Please, is anyone out there who has at least heard of this? I am desperate here

I'm only 20 years old, and maybe I don't necessarily belong in a forum like this, because I know in most cases, abuse involves a man and a woman but... I'm desperate so here goes.

I was best friends with my former roommate for a year and a half, we became roommates my second year of college and everything was fine at first, it was fine, there was nothing wrong there wasn't!... then...things began to change and suddenly my life became hell on earth.

It was gradual at first...but she got in a fight with two of my other friends and they stopped speaking, (she was very opinionated and she really really had a temper but I have this bad habit of trying to see the good in everybody and ignoring the bad so I just ignored that part...) and suddenly..I wasn't able to speak to them anymore. My best friends along with her, and then she started to really...change. I couldn't leave the room without her knowing, I couldn't socialize with anyone unless they were approved friends of hers, one of which was just as bad as her later on but I will get to that later I suppose, and slowly she alienated me from all my other friends, and even my family. Suddenly everyone hated me, she had me convinced so, everyone, my parents thought I was crazy, my sister too, my friends only used me for my stuff and money and you can get the idea. I'm a timid person, a very...timid person and the idea of my friends turning on me was just so horrifying that...I shut down... I was so desperate to keep the few friends I had left that...I went along with everything she said.

Then...the physical stuff began to happen. She'd hit me when I said something that made her angry which wasn't hard. She'd kick me, she'd slap me, she once hit me so hard on the bottom that I had a red hand print imprinted on my skin for a week and it hurt to sit down, and when I screamed at her for doing it she just slapped me in the face. She had to know everything about me, I was going to counseling for other issues, she'd drag me there every week without fail, and then afterward, and made me cite word for word what I told the counselor, so those sessions were useless anyway, I just said what I knew she's want to hear later because otherwise she told me " She's find out and then I'd be in bigger trouble" And when I did finally get the nerve to tell her no and not tell her something she'd jump on me, sit on my back, and slowly begin adding more pressure by digging her knees in my back, and when that didn't work, when I really didn't want to tell her something, she'd grab and pull my hair and slam my head against the wall, until finally I'd just tell her something to get her off me. The worst was when she'd stand on me, I felt like my back was going to break and she's just laugh...

But the worst came near the end... She didn't like Taylor Swift ( You know, the country singer...she just hated country in general I guess)...she'd banned it from our room, and I made the mistake once of not getting my headphones in on time and she heard it and it upset her, and she... put her hands around my throat and squeezed while she was screaming at me to turn it off and the world began to go in and out and finally I guess my adrenaline or something kicked in because I threw her off me, but I still got my head smashed in the wall for it, but... that's the scene that keeps haunting me, for being so stupid and just freezing up and not screaming for help because I didn't think anyone would care or do anything. Stupid I know...but...that's how much power I guess she had over me.

It ended when she failed out, the physical anyway, than the harassment started, she'd constantly demand of me where I was still, she'd start screaming at me when I refused to talk to her, I'd ignore her facebook chat requests, I didn't have the courage to block her because she still had links to my school and could get in, because and I still can't believe this, the very people she claimed hated me, when she left, came and found me and welcomed me back into their circle, said that everything she had said was a lie and just... I felt even stupider.

I kept what was going on a secret, the whole time, and when she was gone, I thought that would be the end of it, but she just kept calling and calling, wouldn't give up, bragged to our mutual friends that when she came back she was going to find me and " bring me back to heel" because I was obviously now being controlled by my other set of friends because I was ignoring the others who used to be in the very room with us when she'd hit me and just laugh along with her. I finally lost it when she was coming back for another visit, and I had run out of ways to run back home, I lost it, had a shaking attack, tried to hide it from my friends, but couldn't, and in one of the worst days of my life the whole story just came flooding out.

Long story short, they convinced me that the only choice I had was to get her banned from the dorm and then my RD ( Resident Director) of the dorms convinced me to go to the police, which I did and now she's banned from campus.

That should be the end of it right? I got rid of her, I won, she's telling anyone who will listen that I'm a liar and she didn't do anything, and then she only did it "to toughen me up". She can't physically get to me anymore, so, why am I still having these shaking attacks, why does the smallest thing trigger this emotional breakdown for me that I hide as best as I can from my friends because they shouldn't have to deal with it!

I've looked and looked and I can't find anything on " roommate abuse" or domestic roommate abuse" and I'm just beginning to feel like I took an issue farther than it had to. I feel like an idiot for going to report it, and a coward who couldn't fight her own battles and instead of punching the witch in the mouth I just ran to the adults like a two year old. Its not like she was bigger than me, I'm a good six inches taller than her, but she still had me cowering in fear. Its pathetic I know, but I can't live like this anymore, everyone around me is calling me so brave...but I just feel like a coward.

Please. Please. If anyone is out there who at least has heard of this please help me, I'm a proud stubborn woman, and this is killing me to have to do this and burden others with my problems. I swore I'd be over this by now, its been two months since I got her banned and I still wake up practically screaming every night and the smallest thing is just a trigger for me to shut down and just... I don't know. I just feel so alone, like no one has experienced this with a friend and not a significant other, and that's I'm just going stir crazy.

So if anyone is out there... please...just tonight I had such a freak out that I ran clear out of the building in the pouring rain and freaked my poor friends out because apparently I was gone for hours and I had no idea of how much time had passed because I was just that upset. I can't do this anymore, if anyone, has any suggestions I will take any at this point, anything. me. Not to sound pathetic...even though I already do.. OS I mean also feel free to tell me I was a fool too. Seriously I value honesty more than anything, if I made the wrong decision than I'm sure I deserve to know it. I just can't keep this up for much longer, and I don't want my friends or family to have to deal with it anymore.

That's my story I guess. Thanks to anyone who read this...

You did the right thing hun and don't let anyone tell you different.
Abuse is abuse its all about power and control. You were living in hell every day no one deserves that kind of treatment.
Are you still seeing your therapist? If you are tell her about your shaking episodes and triggers etc..your therapist can help you work through it all.

your not a fool your not stupid and your not weak. Its like a battered syndrome but the situation is different.
it is hard to explain but it is easy and clear to say you were abused.

I hope i helped you in some are not crazy!!

sending you HUGS♥


Yes that was the right thing to do. Also I might add that finding a good church with support group can also help. You were not dealing with just her, but her demons as well. AS with any good church they will help you to overcome the demon spirits that hold you in fear. Fear is the number one weapon the devil has and will use until you really see what that he has nothing on you just the fear. It is not real, it seems like it but it is not real. Once you find out he will not hold you anymore. Keep pressing in and find the awesome life God really has for you. There is help and hope in Christ Jesus and you were made to overcome.!!! I’ll be praying for you to find a good church that will show you the pathway to life and peace.

Dear Carrie,

First of all I want to say I am so sorry for all that you've been through. I can tell you that what you've experienced IS abuse and the things you explain happening to you, also happen to me.

I was abused by my husband for more than 7 or 8 years so I am VERY proud of you for getting yourself out when you did. Abuse is abuse. It's the same as what I went through because I can "see" how you feel and it's exactly what everyone who's been abused feels.

Please don't feel like your abuse isn't as important or as real as someone who's husband has abused her. I am going to counceling now and it's really been helpful. I just got away from him in January so this is all really new to me as well. I'm sure other's here can give you some really good advice because they certainly have been a Godsend in helping me.

I hope you continue talking here because it really is theraputic and comforting.


Suzee I sent you a message

This is how cults act. Very domineering and controlling. Stay away from her.


The more I think about this the more pissed off I am. This is sooo abusive. This is physical abuse and spiritual abuse. To do this to someone is awful and I am so sorry this happened to you. Also, glad she is physically out of the picture. If I were you I would get some counseling about this issue and maybe explore why you were so vulnerable. Peace to you...Akita

This is absolutely terrifying and you need to get help right away. I realize this lunatic is not on the campus any longer, but I am just afraid for your safety. She sounds capable of anything!

Did you get a restraining order of protection when you filed with the police dept? You might want to look into this, as this person is dangerous!

Please continue to post to let us know you are okay...

:) Hugs, S

Thanks everyone, for your kind words, and I wish I could say that its now all over but I'm afraid its only gotten worse.

Now the harassment is starting, fun fun right? She can't get to me herself so now she's using others to do so, and my other tormentor has now gotten himself involved, because of the verbal abuse I suffered from him I also got him banned from my dorm, and now they're both using the people left here to harass me and my boyfriend at this point.

I don't know if its jealousy or what but now they're tormenting my boyfriend too! He already knew the male tormentor and hates him too before this whole thing started, and yes, my whole dorm has now become my hell.

I can't walk to class without my heart pounding at each step, every car that gets too close to me I think are them coming to get me. He openly bragged about the horrid things he did to the last people that angered him and...I fear for my property... as he knows my home address due to me being close friends with him last semester and taking me home at one point, you can see why I am terrified out of my wits right now.

So the facebook harassment has started too, I hate facebook, I do, I am on it to keep in contact with a select group of people, and I play games on it, but now these people who I have either blocked or they have blocked me are now publicly complaining about this on facebook statuses and comments for all the world to see, they called me for all the world to see.. a c u next tuesday ( I loath that word I won't even write it.)

I am humiliated.

I shouldn't be but I am.

The only reason I know about it now is the fact my best friend is still fb friends with one of the newest " puppets" of the two tormentors and will go along with anything they say. She saw the post, realized who it was about and informed me, and also sent me the post so now I have it and the threats that came out of it with me smoldering in my fb message box and I don't know what to do with it.

Is it normal I feel guilty? I still feel guilty about essentially causing all this nonsense. If I had simply kept my mouth shut and kept running away from my ex roommate than this never would have happened. Everyone tells me otherwise but... I just can't... the guilt is tearing me apart, I'm ruining lives and friendships and for what? A few bruises, a shattered subconscious that was already fragile to begin with? Knocks to the head and sharp words?

I made a huge deal over something I should have handled myself and now so many innocent people are involved, I feel horrible, I just want it to end and I don't know how, my only havens are no longer safe, my home, my dorm, even my own soul.

I sound like a nut...

And now I am sitting here, cowering in my dorm room, terrified to leave, because I no longer feel safe in my own college. I'm torn over whether to go to the police tomorrow and show them the message... I'm torn because I just wanted this to go away... I just..wanted... them... to go away. To leave me alone.

Is that so much to ask, am I really that horrible of a person because I defended myself? I know I was selfish, I took the actions I took on my now ex-friend's birthday, something I didn't want to do but I wasn't given a choice, me kneeling on the ground crying for my friends to " Keep her away from me" over and over again merited immediate action apparently, and I couldn't wait any longer because she was coming.. and she was hell bent on bringing me back to heel...and... it was selfish...I know... and... I was just scared.

Its horrid, feeling like this...feeling so alone.. and even though you're told otherwise by everyone around just can't help but feel it. I don't know what to do... I just wanted it to go away... just... away. Guess I asked too much.

Sorry for the long post again, but its either this or bash my head against a wall, and I don't think people would like that very much...

Carrie, You must realize that you should not be living this way. I think you need a restraining order and you need to transfer to another school. Do something proactive for yourself-no one else can but you. Cowering in your dorm is not what anyone wants for you especially God.

I say get outta there ASAP!!!!!!!!!! Get your life back on track!

Love, S

This kind of bullying is going on all over the world. You are not alone. We have countries bullying other countries and people bullying other people. This person and her followers are just plain bully's. This is in NO WAY your fault. You did not choose to be treated like this. The guilt you feel is the spiritual and emotional abuse I talked about before.

It is just like the abuser to somehow turn things around and blame the one they abuse. Don't fall for that crap. You are the victim here NOT the abuser.

Please get help from a counselor about this. There are feelings you are dealing with right now and you really need to be able to talk these out with a caring professional. Please don't wait. You hear all the time where this stuff leads to and it is never good. Take a stand and get some help. This is NOT your fault...Akita

From Substance Abuse to Mental & Physical Abuse