Please somebody tell me what I should do. My girl is telling

Please somebody tell me what I should do. My girl is telling me I need to prove my love for her and is being distant and cold. My mom recently died and left me a two carat diamond ring my girl wants it bad but if anything ever happens between us she will not give it back. She already told me this. This ring is alll that I have left from my mom. What should I do A? She is demanding I prove my love by giving her the ring. It’s two carats and set in a beautiful rose blooming. Hey lease help me. Women out there tell me what she is up to. I know y’all know.

Although we women have so much in commom have in mind by simply having different stories and experiences we are definitely very different. Through my eyes I see huge red flags. Love should be given freely and should never be demanded. To me, affection should be given through attitude and experiences never through material stuff. I know American women value the flowers, the hearts and the diamonds but love is a feeling not a currency.

I agree. Thank you.

@jamiedarrell I would hold onto the ring. U can tell your girlfriend that you need to hold it for the moment… And I would also store it someplace safe and secure…
She is very interested in the ring. She was honest that she wouldn’t give it back to you if u broke up!!! Which sounds like a fair warning.
I don’t like to say this—you could tell your girlfriend that she needs to prove her love for you (her words back at her) and for her to prove she loves you by respecting how you feel about the loss of your mom and holding on to your mom’s memories with the precious ring…

I agree

All she does is yell. I’m so tired of it and then she threatens my freedom with her words. She needs the money I bring in but she still is such a bitter narc. AND she tells me I am one. I think after reading all that I wrote I need to move on. Don’t I ?

@jamiedarrell my thoughts, time to cut ties and move on.

Run don’t walk

It's a big red flag.
And yes, I am a woman.
Since this is all you have left of your Mom I would keep it for a while.
The person who is your 'wife' (and has proved that she is staying for the long haul)-may- that is a big 'may' be worth giving it to.
Giving it to a girlfriend, in my opinion it is not the best idea. But, each person will have to decide for themselves.

Prove love? Words are the best and safest.