Hey everyone,
I thought I would share my story to everyone in this support group since I just joined.
Last year after I got a horrid case of the flu, my whole digestive system changed. I was getting sick all the time from every type of food and could not figure out what the problem was. My mother, my great aunt, and my great grandmother all have the same issue.
This year I finally was sick of being sick all the time and made a list of everything that has made me ill. Everything contained wheat. So I took it out of my diet and I feel amazing. I figured maybe a gluten intolerance since no one in my family has celiac disease.
My great grandmother was sent to the hospital with anemia, the inability to stand up, and diarrhea. They are now testing her for celiac disease. And if this test comes out positive, they are thinking that what killed my grandmother (which was a tumor) may have been caused by celiac's. And if this is positive, they hospital is saying that everyone in the family with these symptoms should stay off gluten. I feel as though this is a crazy turn of events and all so sudden. I am nervous that there is a possibility my family and I have an autoimmune disease, yet at the same time feel relieved if this is positive because it would explain the issues my whole mom's side of the family has.
Hey there Allee. My dad was diagnosed with Celiac Disease almost three years ago. About ten years ago, he had Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, which can be cause by untreated Celiac Disease. Luckily, he survived. I was tested for it about a year a go through an endoscopy biopsy and was considered borderline. I have to have another test to determine whether or not that is the case. I think it would be a good idea for you to get tested for it to make sure that is the case. If that is what it is, then I think that's a pretty good thing because then you will have answers, a solution, and hopefully feel better about the whole situation. Sometimes life throws us crazy things. I hope everything turns out well for you and your family. Please let me know how everything goes!
Thanks for sharing your stories! My daughter's father was diagnosed with celiac about 6 years ago. I have been his support system and "celiac chef" ever since. He had a similar episode as you allee. He got the stomach flu and never got better. He was without insurance, so it took about 2 months before he could see a doctor. During that time he lost about 60 lbs and he thought he was dying. By some miracle, the doctor he chose off an online directory was the perfect fit. He tested for everything, including celiac, right away. When we got the diagnosis it was a big shock, but after living GF for about 2 months, he noticed such a difference in health that he knew he was doing the right thing.
As a supporter of someone with celiac, I have been in the trenches when times were toughest. All I can say is that even if you don't get a concrete diagnosis... try the GF diet anyways. It has worked for so many people that got inconclusive or negative test results when being tested for celiac. Knowing what I know now, I can tell you that a GF diet really is an easy thing to do with practice. At first it is overwhelming and frustrating and you feel like there are no options. The more you research, talk to people and get out in the stores, the more you'll realize there is.
I have a lot of gluten free recipes and ideas, as I cook GF everyday. I'm happy to share recipes or provide support for anyone learning how to cook GF, live GF, or support a loved one with celiac.
My grandmothers test results still have not come back. So far the blood work is negative. I have been on the GF diet for 2 months and it has made an amazing difference. I can't imagine going back even if the test results are negative.
My mom has tried going GF as well and she even told me how amazing she has been feeling. She has, for the past 10 years, has such stomach issues, and now with a GF diet, all the problems have immediately stopped.
I would love to share recipes and ideas. I am new at this so I know very little. Message me :)
Allee, Im sorry for your loss. Yeah, try staying off wheat and if that helps you feel better, by all means dont eat it. Try rice bread if you have to have something. Its pretty good.
My mom told me a couple of months ago that her brother and his wife have celiac disease. Im allergic to everything in the book including wheat. (milk, wheat, soy, food dyes, eggs, garlic, citris-lemons and oranges, peas).
I went to my physician and he said I should go to a specialist to get it checked out.
Im adopted and I wonder if celiac disease can run in families. Does anyone know?
SashaVL - Celiac most certainly runs in families and is directly related to other autoimmune disorders. If you think a GF diet will help you, go for it. Test results may come back falsely negative because you are already staying away from wheat. But I suggest going gluten free and see if it helps.