I love you guys! Thank you!
I am beautiful. I AM beautiful. I am BEAUTIFUL.
I love you guys! Thank you!
I am beautiful. I AM beautiful. I am BEAUTIFUL.
i love your status! you ARE beautiful!!!!
Thank you. Right back at you Amanda!
Thanks :) That made my day!!!
Well you are. You have that perfect “girl next door” look. That all-American sweetheart face.
Now don’t go tripping over something and falling and smash that pretty face of yours all up okay? LOL!
OMG - I need to get some work done! I lost track of the time…ooops!
Go do your chores! LOL!
Love Ya!
you are beautiful , you are beautiful
You are you know beautiful inside and out.
That would be me! I would definately trip something and break my face to pieces! Im sooo clumsy! lol
I love it Beautiful! You ARE Beautiful! You ARE Beautiful! You ARE Beautiful!
I used to get extremely worried too. There was a time i Really felt threatened with other women when they would talk to my partner. I still have times today, but today I also know there's times it's natural because of lack of healthy boundaries on either his or the other parties side. When healthy boundaries don't exist, there's a reason to feel fear.. we know what can happen when boundaries aren't in place; this is Not to say they will happen .. only to validate ourselves in that we know they can.. On the other hand i had reasons to fear other women. The balance for me was that it wasn't always about the other women .. in my experience, i couldn't trust the women i was raised around and when new women would come along i would instantly go back in my head to the ones i couldn't trust before as if these new women were them and were going to behave the exact same way. Another scenario for me was, even though my own partner and i are still together to a degree .. my experience with him had shown me i couldn't fully trust him, even though everything in me wanted to believe i could .. therefore.. to validate myself, i had a reason Not to. trust not just in reference to cheating but on a deeper level in reference to communication, sharing, honesty, etc.. wasn't always there. the crazy part is he was the one telling me to trust him when he knew as well as i did i couldn't .. and he couldn't trust himself either .. for example, he wouldn't allow me to open up to him and communicate or do anything on his behalf to show me a reason he could be trusted. (the very foundation which builds trust) .. when it came to communication, he was very good at looking at my side yet failing to see his own .. trust takes time and there's always two sides to building it .. i used to take on All the blame and blame myself as if i were just crazy to feel or think the way i did ..
I didn't get much of a chance to do alot of reading but began to open a post by you and then instantly got sidetracked .. the line i remember is only you talking about something and saying .. i know it's stupid .. i had to work hard to recognize that nothing we Ever Need to share is stupid .. it's not whining either but only telling it like it is for us .. took me a long time to see that whining is complaining about the dishes when i know darn well i have to do them and they won't go away with my words of complaint .. Big difference .. truth is when we don't share with others and reason things through, our self criticism, isolation, irritation, and depression only grows bigger .. (bigger than us alone) ..
writing for what it's worth .. i don't know you but get a feeling you are a very genuinely caring and kind person only in the couple of times i've seen you .. hope you don't mind me typing the above ..
Maureen, thank you for your insight and your kind words. Thank you for reminding me why we are all here - for healing not for judgement.