Powerful quote

"Having someone help you doesn't mean you failed. It just means you're not in it alone."

ooo love it! where did ya get it? i have a couple for you
1. i from domestic..mgr of grief support..."let me hold your hand until you can walk alone" she is a unique woman
2. from an old timer in aa years ago..."don't ever look down on anyone unless your offering to help them up "
so whats the plan for the day?

I'm a movie and song geek. I tend to pull lines and lyrics out of everything I watch or listen to. This particular quote I just heard watching Life As We Know It. It struck a chord for sure and wanted to share especially on here. Thank you for sharing your quotes. The second one I actually read weeks ago and posted it on my facebook page.

For now I'm spending time with my dog but I'm thinking about going for a run since its so nice out. Haven't ran in a while and would really like to get back into it. A friend asked if I'd like to train for a marathon with her which is something I'd like to do at some point in my life but not sure I should dive into that idea just yet. Maybe that's a good question I can discuss at my program?

gee hun yes, my vote is yes....what i did was dance my *** off. there were aa dances fri/sat nights....,donned my spandex and danced with a p***ion.....helps get out all that emotional junk that o don't hve words for. 1st song to the last sweat like crazy, i was a woman on a mission.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with me. Its helping me so much! Im actually writing down bits and pieces as mini notes to keep with me. I've been very fortunate to receive such great support.

united we stand, divided we fall oh miss d gf! youre supporting us as much as we are supporting you dear one.