Powerless Over Alcohol

Step one in Alcoholics Anonymous says, "We admitted we were powerless over alcohol – that our lives had become unmanageable."

The instructions for taking Step 1 are found in the AA Big Book, chapter More about Alcoholism, Page 30, Sentences 7-9:

“30:7We learned that we had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. 8This is the first step in recovery. 9The delusion that we were like other people, or presently may be, has to be smashed.”

One of the first things I had to do was admit I was powerless over alcohol. I had to get honest about my drinking. I put a post here http://alcohol.supportgroups.com/sg/alcohol/getting-honest-about-your-dr... that contains alcohol screening tests that can help you with doing this. Once I got honest about my drinking and admitted I was powerless over alcohol then I moved on to taking the others steps necessary to help me recover.

Without Jesus maybe we are powerless against sin and Satan! If we allow Jesus to reign in our life its easier. Search John Macarthur truth of Alcohol on youtube.

It's easy to admit you're an alcoholic.
It's much more difficult to believe in GOD, unless we are all living in HELL!

Gee, I hate to read that we are powerless. I prefer to think I am very powerful over what happens in my life. Even with an addiction, there's a window where one is faced with choices: do I succumb to buying wine or do I call my AA sponsor instead? The choice is always mine.