As you all know I have been in the courts limbo waiting for the Judges ruling to come down. It's been a week since my son testified and we did too and still nothing.
My guts says that it will come down today I can't say why I feel this way I just do maybe it's because it has been a week or maybe it's just my fears either way i just do. So I have made sure where ever I am in my living sections of my house I have placed a phone so that no matter what or where I am in it I can reach one quickly. I am dreading the call because I know that it could bring the worst news ever even worse then losing my husband or that he is fighting for custody of our younger son. Yes I need the ruling to start looking for a place to live and maybe even a car but what I dread the most is finding out I have lost my son.
No matter what I have done to prepare for the call is there ever enough preparations that can prepare you for that news? I pray I do not need to answer that question myself. I just want this over but that part that fears losing him is thrilled that it hasn't come down yet and he's still mine.
Teddy, I know how excruciating the waiting is. Today my youngest son told his councelor that he's refusing to go to visitation Saturday and his councelor is supporting him in that decision. I know that it's going to cause another court date, but I welcome the opportunity for this childs voice to be finally heard. I just sent an email to my attorney about the counceling appt today and that the councelor believes there should be an OFP to protect Chase as well. My ex has violated every single agreement of the temporary orders and now I will be violating the visitation order, but I am standing firm behind my young man, and his siblings and other loved ones are going to be here to stand with chase and I in support of refusing visitation. We are going to stand arm in arm lined up in my front yard. Sometimes you have to do very hard things to get heard and to achieve fair justice, especially for an amazing young man who did nothing wrong and is asked to pay for his father's sins by forcing him to spend every saturday shaking and terrified of the POC.
Tede, we have a newbie still in danger posting. I've given her some numbers and stuff and listed you as a safe person to message if she's afraid to post on the boards.
I have been crossing my fingers for you all along and especially today. Please, please God, do what's best for tede and her family. I know the fear that someone will be able to take your child. I have lit a candle for you about an hour ago. I am right here with you... you are not alone at all!!!! You have many, many sisters now, whether you wanted us or not!!!! :)
Please keep me updated as to how you are doing and if you need me to tell you a story about my crazy batshit mother in law.... I could do a nationwide comedy tour on these nutso's!!!
Sending big hugs, Suzee
Of course she can message me I would be glad to be included in this wonderful group of women Message me her name and I will look up her post.
Thank you for your hugs and Candle and prayers I still haven't heard anything but the day is far from over my phones are prepped and my computer opened to my email every source of communications that she could use is ready and open.
I am so glad chase is taking a stand please know that as you all stand with him in my heart I too stand with you and the fact that his counselor agrees with him is all the better for him in court. that is looking out for the best interest of the child.