this has gotten to be the worst ever with my jealousy! i cant even look at another woman who is skinny and pretty - i instantly get so upset and pissed off. i dropped my daughter off at camp and noticed an attractive guy talking to this attractive woman who was skinny and fit. all i could think of was i should be like that too - but instead since i am very depressed i eat and gain weight. i am back into my pregnancy clothes. then i think they are also skinny because they take care of themselves and in order to take care of yourself you probably are not depressed so i got jealous of that. then my last thought was he probably wants to do her. i am sure. not to be crude but come on - thats how most guys think when talking to a pretty guy - it crosses their minds. NOT that i want that from guys but maybe i should say - he is most likely very attracted to her. i'll say that. and all i can think of is there is no hope for me because i am so far gone with my depression - to get instantly pissed off and upset when i see a pretty thin girl is pretty bad. it ruins my day. i can walk by one in a grocery store and my whole day can be ruined because it starts with that. its pathetic of course. i havent been jealous like this ever - i am going backwards in my life instead of forward!
You do not need to get upset because of somebody else, you need to do things for yourself and concentrate on your life. You are the boss and you can achieve anything you wish. Take care and God bless you.
youre right. this is my problem. i compare myself all the time because i have NO self-esteem and dont believe i am good enough.
this sounds childish but i wish i somehow knew all those freakin annoying pretty skinny life-loving women had just as many problems as i do! of course if that is the case then how do they get motivated to look at wonderful as they do??? :0(
when i am depressed or down the last thing i feel like doing is my hair, losing weight, putting on makeup and smiling, acting like miss la de da in front of everyone - its very very hard for me to do. and then its a vicious cycle - i get down on myself because i am overweight and feeling miserable and being able to crack a smile and pretend i am fine.
I hope I do not cause you any problems by saying any of this I just want you to know you are not alone with your jealous feelings about other girls, I am what is to be considered "The Skinny Girl" I'm Very thin But I hate it, I get very jealous over different types of girls, I get very sad when I see girls that I feel are attractive, I have alot of self esteem issues, Jealousy issues and now im losing my husband of 4yrs due to my issues bc they are just that extreme, I stay very depressed alot of the time, I hate even watching movies with attractive girls in it bc it will make me hate the way i look. I have been working to over come my issues and Now trying harder than ever bc It will be the only thing that will make my husband want to be with me again. I compare myself with every female around me no matter who they are or if they are skinny or not, But I am one of those girls who every one thinks im so super confident b/c I always try to dress nice, make up, nails and hair done, But its honestly just a cover up from how i feel bc im embarrassed by myself, So when you see those "Skinny Pretty Girls" dont think that they may not be going through the same thing as you..I'm sorry I can not give you advice on this situation,I just wanted you to know that you are not alone,Depression and self esteem issues come in different shapes and sizes. As does beauty...Please keep you head up..
well that was an eye-opener! i am sorry you are going thru this too! i cant keep my head up - i try for about a few minutes or so and then something happens and i am down again. i cry all the time.
i guess i am concidered a skinny girl. And i do have problems including major jealousy issues. Not so much with pretty girls bit girls that seem happy and are well liked. Ive had depression for as long as i could remember. And on bad days i do put in a lot of make up (i usually have little to none on) just to try to hide the fact that i am miserable and pretend i am happy with the way i am. I also just stop eating. Not to be skinny but just because i feel physically sick when i try. I just lose all appitite. I hate the way i look and i cant stand looking in a mirror. Im sorry i feel like im just conplaining now. What i tried to say is i think a lot more people than you think feel that way probably those skinny pretty girls that you cant stand. Trust me sometimes i even want to hold them down and force feed them lard. From my point of view at least it helps to know everyone does have theyre own problems we dont know about
I'm so sorry to know that u go through the same things i go through bc I know how hard and sad it is, and it makes u feel lonely bc no one else seems to understand, Everyone around me seems to think I should just say Oh im so pretty and I love me! But its not that simple to do, I have found that Sometimes I can push these feelings back by waking up in the morning,I look in the mirror and I will find at least one thing that I like about my looks, even If Its only a little bit, Like My eye color is pretty or my hair is shiny and I will compliment myself,sometimes I will tell my husband as well, Baby I think my butt looks amazing today (JUST AN EX), Then When My mind tries to say "Oh ur ugly" or "That girl is prettier" I try to push it back by thinking things like my life could be way worse than if I were ugly, I could have a serious illness, i could lose a loved one, or worse I could just not be at all! Even though I have serious self esteem issues I find that these things sometimes help me, and they are extremely hard at first and will be very hard to keep up with, I believe if we try we can achieve anything. You have to put faith in yourself no matter how hard it is, I know how you feel exactly, You feel worthless,Unloved and unattractive, but honestly none of that is true, It's just your negative thoughts trying to control you. And being attractive isn't about being skinny at all, Its just about being you,who you are, Loving your self first above all. I know its very hard for you to do but please try some of what i said, I promise you it does help some, I trying to rehabilitate myself from these issues with the same methods, Also I find that dancing even if its just dancing around ur living room alone, have fun with it, you may feel like an idiot at first but u will get used to it, It will help you relive stress, feel better about u and its a great work out... My thoughts are with you, I know what U are feeling right now.