so much to my surprise i posted a comment on youtube about a song about eds then i have this little 13 year old asking me to be an Ana buddies i was like flabbergasted she explain she was pro ana oh i wrote her back alright told her all the not so glorified parts of eating disorders. lets just say you never replied but her post triggered my curiosity so i goggled pro Ana did you know there are actual site teaching young girls how to be anorexic or bulimic they give tips and everything. it so scary. it should be illegal maybe it is bur=t all i now is that the are not good whats everyone ealses thoughts on pro eating disorder website? hope every one well grr im so mad about this and surprised i never knew about it before.any i will post an up date i going to treatment next Thursday so i will probably need vent this week lots of love leah
Leah...keep venting! There are a lot of misguided people out is sad. You did a great thing in standing up for yourself, and not allowing this to pull you down.
Take care...Jan ♥
Yes, there are a lot of people out there that think eating disorders are "cool". They become a source of identity to young girls that are eagerly searching for a way to set themselves apart. They have no idea what HELL waits for them... I'm proud of you for telling this girl what's what. Try to shake it loose, dear... You're on the road to recovery! ♥
thanks guys i having a hard time letting go of the whole pro Ana thing part of me is like what the f... is wrong with people but anther part is like umm i kinda get this stuff i went back to the site today a looked at some stuff i have to say they do makes some interesting point not that im at all pro eating disorder but i can see how a young girl with low self esteem could make a chose to try and become anorexic. i guess i just never though of actually pouting in effort to became anorexic it kind of just happened i did even really notice i was becoming anorexic until other started noticing. any way im struggling alot to day i fasted today and worked out for 2 hour i mind i am like umm i should try to lose some weight before treatment so i don't get to fat while im there i realize that it wont really make more difference but im still stuck in the behavior. tommorow anther day maybe i can get back on my meal plan i gonna try .
lots of love Leah
they make me sick how can anybody want this i have no idea it just makes me sick but sometimes i feel that alot of the tv and media are pro ed but thats just the way it seems to me but yeah when i found out about the sites it was by mistake i was trying to find a support group and a bunch of pro ed sites came up i almost gagged like i said i hate being in this hell and i wouldnt wish it on anyone its like a cancer why would someone purposly want cancer
acoustiyear i agree 100 percent thanks for your opinion. i too would never wish this on any one either lots of love leah
from someone who used to post on those sites. it gave a sense of control, power when i felt like everything else is out of control. a way to have total control also as the media makes everyone seem thinner, and normal weights "fat". we have girls who think the only way to be loved or liked by anyone even themselves is to be thin. i was one of them. i didn't know about pro ana/mia until after i was deep in my ED. it just helped make ED stronger in me. i wish i had never met ED.
youtube has a lot of thinospo. which is girls who are ana/mia or just look like they could be. it is insane. one of the things i thought was interesting is some of the ED awareness videos though. the one that got me is you see a teen girl in front of the mirror. she is in her undergarments pinching the skin, kinda like i wish i was thinner here and here. then you see her as she is. her bones are sticking out. they use these to show how people with ED see themselves. it was weird how accurate it was.