
My mom wants to send me back to the psychologist if i dont start taking care of myself properly and dont start acting my age. i admit, i was way more mature in high school than i am now, ive suffered a regression and i dont really know why. but im trying. by coming on here instead of moaning to her about my life rright now. i will come on here and post instead of doing those things because i dont want to go back to the psychologist. i have nothing to say and i dont want to go.

How old are you? Im not doing great lately and the only thing that can help me is a psychologist, if someone offered to pay i would go. You might regret not taking the chance now, i know how it feels to not want it but there is only so much we can do alone. Best wishes.

thanks but i think she’s forgotten about it thankfully.

I dont think they ever forget. You said you went to therapy once, did it work?