Psychotic episode

I had a psychotic episode in 2011. it has taken me quite some time to recover properly as my parents opted not to put me in the hospital after my initial one week stay in the hospital. the dr said i should go for long-term stay at the other hospital and they decided not to tell me about it and to keep me at home. i kind of wish i had gone for that treatment, as recovery might have been quicker. but now im recovered fully but i still have problems in my life but i think everyp\body does have some problems or the other. i just wish i never had that psychosis. but actually it was kind of fun, a unique experience. but ive always caused problems for my parents, ever since i left school. its been one problem after the other for about fifteen years noow

Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like you’ve been through a lot, and I admire your strength in getting to where you are now. Recovery, especially after something as challenging as a psychotic episode, is never a straight line, and the fact that you’ve fully recovered is a testament to your resilience. It’s natural to reflect on the past and wonder “what if” things had been different, but it’s clear that you’ve navigated through a lot, even without the long-term hospital stay.

It’s also really insightful that you recognize that, while life still comes with challenges, that’s something everyone faces. The fact that you’ve maintained that perspective while acknowledging both the hardships and the more unique aspects of your experience is powerful. It’s okay to have mixed feelings about it all.

It also sounds like you carry some feelings about the impact your journey has had on your parents. I’m sure that your struggles weren’t easy for them, but remember that we all go through phases in life, and causing “problems” isn’t the same as being a problem. You’re not defined by your challenges, but rather by how you’ve grown and overcome them. You’ve come a long way, and you’re allowed to feel proud of that.

If you ever feel weighed down by regrets or guilt, just remember that your journey has value, not just in your recovery but in your insights and self-awareness. Everyone’s path is different, and it sounds like you’ve learned a lot along the way. With love, SG

thank you so much SG i really appreciate this post and the reply on my other post. such kind words, thank you