Putting an End to Bullying Starts at Home

I really do believe that discipline starts at home and parents should continually instill discipline; therefore, in order for us to put a stop to bullying, it really does need to be nipped in the bud at home....what do you think?

"Parents, it's time to smell the coffee. We're trying to get the schools to teach our kids not to allow bullying, but the problems are escalating; it's no longer enough to leave the responsibility in the schools' hands. No parent wants their child to be bullied. And, no one intentionally teaches their child to become a bully. We all want the best for our kids. This is why it's interesting to take a look at the subtle bullying messages that can come to them on two levels. Here are two powerful and often hidden ways to help nip the problem in the bud -- right at home.

The first and most obvious level is how we treat others. It's almost normal to see sarcastic laughter at someone else's expense, the "us vs. them" way of thinking, our own pressure to act a certain way or else risk not being accepted. That in itself influences our children. So, what to do? The answer, of course, is the Golden Rule -- treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. Sounds good, but it only works if we are fully aware and mindful of what words and actions we are modeling...."


Source: TheHuffingtonPost.com, by Randy Taran, 12/6/10


the other trouble we face is the outside influences our children encounter whilst at school, for many they have to adopt an alien persona to fit into a group or stand on the outside looking in, its hard to teach independance to an age group that long to belong to the in groups

recently our oldest grandson has been a bit rude about his aunts lack of abilities but justified it to himself as she wasnt there to hear it so it was ok to do what the others did and be accepted by the group,

this needs watching so it doesnt escalate out of hand or spill over to a class mate who might fall into the same spectrum but at the same time he needs to learn where the line is drawn by himself, and how far he is prepared to go to fit into the crowd.

guidance is often harder intodays society as so many events are media guided therefore not allowing the youngsters to develope a sense of responsibility themselves

hope u have a good day

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

I totally agree Domestic. I see what's going on out there and I see all of the challenges that parents face in raising their children to be good, honest, kind, and respectful to others. Once you hand off your child to school, then there's no telling what type of influences there will be. Though, I still feel that it's so essential to really keep in check with them at home and try to keep the lines of communication wide open, otherwise I think that things can go unnoticed.

I was blessed to be in a home where my parents were quite strict and instilled respect. At the time, I didn't understand why my parents were strict, but now I feel beyond blessed by my upbringing. It's not easy being a parent, it's a full-time [plus] job.


strict is always good providing its balanced by loving and the space to grow and make mistakes, we too were strict parents, but i do believe that is harder to keep the kids on the straight and narrow in todays society when so many of them seem to rebel against everything or worse have things much too early like mobiles clothing the list is endless

as for our grandchild he made his stand he is prepared to tell the truth about his aunt and her lack of mental abilities but wont give up taking her to the local shop so we will have to wait and see what will come of his choices where his friends are concerned,

have a great day

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)

I agree with you Domestic; my parents flooded us with love and compassion, though instilled so many incredible values that have stayed through with me to adulthood. It's a fine balance that parents need to find. I was very fortunate to have parents that really had that balance.

I am sure that your grandchild will realize what's right and stay on that path, most especially because he has a phenomenal grandmother :-)


now u are making me blush

u have a great day

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)