Q about Binge Eating


I'm Bulimic and have been for quite a long time.

I noticed this support group for Binge Eating and wanted to (hopefully) get some help regarding your disorder.

The only difference (I think) between Bulimia and Binge Eating is that I throw up my food afterwards. I wanted to know HOW Binge Eatings refrain from keeping their food down.

I know this sounds like a stupid Q but I truly think I can benefit by hearing from some of you all. Please take a minute to explain what goes through your mind after you finish binge eating.

I've tried EVERYTHING - IP treatment, prescrip meds, therapy, group sessions, etc. and nothing seems to work.

Thanks in advance!!


sometimes i feel sick to my stomache. honestly i dont like the taste and burn of throw up. i absolutely cannot stand to puke. i hate the way my stomache feels i hate the taste and i hate the acidity.i just hate puking lol.

Here is my two cents.

I had BED for a little while before I gave into bulimia. I think it was when i started to lose hope that the bingeing would stop that I resorted to purging, to be honest. It was almost like I finally figured the binging wasn't going anywhere and so I had to do something about it or cope with it in another way.

But I also think the bulimic is more paranoid and obsessive about their weight. This may be a wide generalization but to put yourself through purging- you must be pretty obsessed with the number on the scale.

BED only recently has been given credit as being a full-blown eating disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychological disorders, it used to be considered a subtype of bulimia, or was given EDNOS status

I go back and forth between BED and BN, sometimes I just don't feel like purging after a binge, but usually regret it in the morning. Even though I feel disgusting after purging, it does provide some sense of relief.

Hey Caroline,
Well what goes through my head is basic self loathing and thinking, you didn't need to do that. And for some reason I lose motivation after eating what usual is the fatty foods. And I generally feel sleepy after it so that's usually what stops me from getting rid of it.

I used to vomit and over exercise and sometimes still use laxatives, especially if I'm anxious that I've to go somewhere the next day and want to make myself "feel better" (there's a joke).

I believe what we need to do is continue on that journey, figure out what makes us binge eat and put that to rest.

Please keep talking, I don't know if my answer helped you any
Moongal x

@justme40 I used purge after I binged. I haven't been diagnosed with anything and the binging only lasted a brief time, when I was feeling really awful. At some point, I realized I couldn't keep making myself throw up. And that if I did, I was going down an even scarier path than I was already on.

I'm a cyclical/emotional binger. I normally eat healthy so when I have a cycle of binges it usually adds only a few pounds, which I can lose with normal eating after putting my mind to not binging.

To answer your question, I think the fear of making myself more mentally unwell is what keeps me and kept me from throwing up. Imagining that you scale back even slightly on your issue is at least something.

To be completely honest, I CAN'T make myself throw up. No matter how hard I try it won't come up so I know I'm going to have to live with whatever I eat.