Has anybody ever had any mental problems and passed them onto your children?.. I have schizoaffective disorder and panic disorder and im worried that if one day I decide I want children, these problems will get passed on to them or my grandchildren. It makes me not want to have kids because this is all so hard to go through and I dont want them to have to do it too. Feedback please :)
That is a good question , my daughter is 10 and
she is a great addition to the world.
I'm sure if you had a child you would pass on all the good things in your life, wouldn't you!
Think positive, some very famouse people that made huge differences to mankind had problems much like ours . Google famous people who were Bipolar and
you will see an amazing list.
Im glad that you could raise a wonderful addition to society!! My worries though are that I can't use my meds during pregnancy and I can't go 9 months without them. I found out recently my great aunt was schizoprenic. Im worried about passing on my horrible genes to a child. I think adoption would be the best answer for me but I know right now i couldn't handle a child. I don't know that I will ever feel like I can.
Thanks for your post!
Your welcome , take it slow a day at a time , bye
If you go to the nami website you can find the answers to most of your questions. Yes a mental condition can be passed down to the offspring. I say can be, because it doesn't mean that it will be. The last I heard 25% of the world population has or had a mental condition of one Or another. It can be depression, maybe OCD or any other of your lesser mental conditions. All can be treated, some there is no cure to. It's mostly a matter of knowing you have a problem finding the right meds and staying with them.===J
that's a tough one. i have mental issues, and so do many other of my family memebers, including my father. i don't know whether he passed it to me, or i simply picked up my problems from being around people with problems. either way, the fact that you're taking the time to think about it, means you care and want the best for your child, whihc is the most important thing. good luck. and maybe you can find a study or somthing for more info.
Pugs & Kisses
In the mental health organizations they have determined that 25% of the world population as a mental issue of one kind or another. That is one in four, some are very mild and will go ways others we have to live with. Given the choice I would rather have schizophrenia than bipolar. Bipolar will always be ups and downs although meds have to control it. Schizophrenia as you get older will come to a plateau and level off. Although you still have to have meds for it. The same meds for bipolar is also used with schizophrenia. And for children I don't think they can tell before they are born if he or she is going to have a mental illness. There has been cases with identical twins were one had a issue and did not. I think children are wonderful and I hope you do too. Let what you want be the guide to what you do=========== Johnny
Many mental disorders have a genetic component, meaning a predisposition or vulnerability to a particular illness can be passed down through family. According to the DSM-IV-TR individuals with first-degree relatives suffering from schizophrenia are at 10 times greater risk for getting the illness themselves compared to the general population. It really is not romantic having children, and if you are not a whole person with support i would warn you!
All mental conditions whether they be major or minor is a flaw in the brain chemistry. The brain allow you to see colors, the lines on the highway and the guy next door. If you have schizophrenia it tell you that the voices you are hearing and the things that you're seeing in real. The medical organizations are making great strides in medication for the mentally handicapped. You see in the newspaper and on TV about acts of violence were sometimes many people are killed by somebody with a gun. In most cases they try to blame the act on a mental condition that that person has. Did they, or were they on drugs are was there another issue. Think about it, how could all of them of had a mental condition? I think you'll agree all life is precious.====== Johnny
aodx1 some mental disorders are, some are not. look at this guy they are hunting now here. looks like a happy, nice, good navy guy. what happens here? PTSD? and what i think him being put on the butcher block when he whistleblew. now i do not condone killing, but being a vet and having lived with someone like him, i know the diff!
as is my situation, my mother's side has a hsitory of depression and anxiety, my mom going through WWII in europe then, and not jewish but people were treated like crap, raped, and used up,then exhibitted certain behaviors in my childhood which colored my perception of the world. early in life i had signs of the family disease but was not diagnosed until age 40. it is not only by genes, but also the way we behave and react in life which will affect a child! what's hurtful is when you see your disability alienate your child from you! remember people judge you carte blanche not considering your flaws from schizo!
I will start by repeating what others have stated 1 and 4 individuals will have some type of mental health diagnosis within their life time. These disorders can range from mild to severe. And as we all know there is not a cure for mental illnesses however there is treatment readily available out there ranging from counseling, therapy, to medications.
There has been a large debate in the mental health world if mental illness is either based on nature vs. nurture. Though from my standpoint I believe that it is a combination of the two.
For instance, my father was in the Vietnam War and was diagnosed with PTSD and various other mental health diagnosises. As my life progressed I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and exhibit symptoms of other mental health diagnosises. However, I am able to function to the extent that I hold a job in the mental health field and I am currently seeking my masters in counseling.
Long story short, do not let your fear of your mental health diagnosis(es) determine if you want to have a child. Today there are many treatments available and you will love your child the same.
Im a 43 year old mom of three... 24 18 15, sadly my Son, the 18yr old has some very serious issues with anger, depression, and anxiety. The girls have shown no issues through the years.
Sadly my Dads side of the family has a multitude of mental illneses and issues.
They were not talked about until all of the issues that came up with my Son. It was and really is still something that is not talked about with the older generation in my family.
I was diagnoised with severe depression and anxiety at the age of 13, my parents did not want me on medication...I wish they would have allowed it. It has and I guess always will be a daily struggle to live with.
I cant say I would not have had children knowing one of my ignorant genetic dispositions might rear its ugly head at them but I would stop and think about it more.
My oldest is afraid to have children because of what she has seen, the hell we went through with her brother all these years.
That Im sad about...
I also feel guilty sometimes because my Depression effects my relaltionships with my kids...Therapy helps that some...
My father has schizophrenia and, his only child, me, does not.
My youngest son , just started having panic attack , I feel so bad. I suffer from depression and general anxiety.
My disorders actually come from my parents but I deal with it better then they did different people can handle stuff better then others and you know what it is so you can help them through it if thy did get it :)
I know how you feel, I feel the same. but I don't know about schizo-affective disorder but my doctors and researches say that it is 10% chance that people will pass schizophrenia to their children. hope this helps in some way and good luck to you :)
Amm1488 I know how you feel i fear that also because mental illness runs in my family also like four different kinds. my brothers and sister got some off those illness but it is not 100% I did not get any mental illness passed on to me my Problems wore not genetic. But if you fear this could happen talk to a doctor about it. and I would get the child tested at a young age to see if they carried it or not.
I didn't read all the comments but, looking at my wonderful little 10 year old... with ADHD and depression. I know where he gets it. Everyone has something. Diversity. Talent. Genetic predisposition. Mental disorder.... Learn to deal with it girl, one day you may look around yourself and see It everywhere. lol