
Do you believe in God? and why/why not

Why do you ask? I cant explain why i dont believe in god, at least the god from the bible and its similars, like islam (im not saying these too are similars) , i dont believe in any god, tho i used to find the greek, nordic, the ones from india, roman and etc interesting, i dont know how to explain why i don’t believe in gods i just dont lol

1 Heart

No. There is no proof. I also find it difficult to believe that there is something after death. I do not know whether there is a god or devil or heaven or hell, but I will know when I die. If I will suffer for eternity for not believing, then that is what I deserve.

why do you believe you deserve to suffer for not believeing if you dont believe in God?

I do believe there is something after death. If god is real why dose he cause some people to much suffering . Sometimes they have to stop the suffering by suicide .

1 Heart

I don’t believe in the exitence of any gods, but I am willing to accept proof that I am wrong. Of course, I reserve the right to decide what constitutes “proof” :slight_smile:

thanks for your input!

I ask because I am still deciding what I believe

I trust that there is a higher power. How does one define belief? How does one define God? Proof is the opposite of faith. I have had experiences that I can not explain in any other way except for God. I can’t prove it to anyone except myself. And thankfully I am the only that I have to convince. Paul said to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. I other words find your own answers thoughtfully and carefully. The Buddha said not to trust him but to try everything out for yourself. My advice would be to study all the major religions, starting with Buddhism. I found my home in liberal Christianity, yet I study all the others. There is no religion higher than truth. I have found truth in most every spiritual path I have studied. Is there a higher power? The answer for me is yes, but that doesn’t have to be your answer. Good luck on your path and let us know what you find out.

Do you believe in something? Better yet, do you feel like you need to believe in something?

i have experienced some stuff to make me say ‘there is a God’ but lately my heart is not feeling it

I have experienced many things that I could ascribe to a miraclulous or magical actor, but there are more prosaic explanations that work (for me) just as well. Some people feel the presence of supernatural beings and some people don’t.

I believe in something that I tend to refer to as being God, although Nature isn’t a bad second name. Do I have influence with God? I don’t know! Does God have influence over me? I don’t know, but I prefer to think of a “yes”, to that! I like to think that something sees my suffering and hears my requests for support and change, regarding that suffering, but…I have no way of being certain.

1 Heart

What did you experience?

i felt like i had an impartation of the Holy Spirit. like, it was so intense feeling of euphoria for a couple of months after i cried out to God in the church. i just ‘knew’ it was the Holy Spirit, cant really describe it.

my parents and my older sister say the same thing

also, i feel like God has saved me from a few nasty situations

Why god and not something else? And by god do you mean only the god from the church you went? Or your believe in god involves every god from every religion?

i believe in God and Jesus Christ from the Holy Bible. that has been my experience

Of course, do you believe in any other religions or just that? Cuz theres way too many gods to exist only that…