Quotes For Today

Take LOVE as an acronym:
LISTEN intently to the people with whom you are traveling your journey.
Listen deeply; it is a great gift.
OPTIMIZE the time you have with your loved ones.
The truth is, we do not know our last hour;
don't postpone giving your love.
VALUE the people in your life, really notice their goodness.
Then, EXPRESS your gratitude, appreciation and praise.
Mary Manin Morrissey

Laughter is the sound of recovery. --unknown

Progress, of the best kind, is comparatively slow. Great results cannot be achieved at once; and we must be satisfied to advance in life as we walk, step by step. --Samuel Smiles

Expectation is the greatest impediment to living. In anticipation of tomorrow, it loses today. --Seneca

"The more you teach positive ideas to others, the better you learn them yourself." --Brian Tracy

C A R D S =
Call your sponsor,
Ask for help from your Higher Power,
Read the Big Book,
Do the Twelve Steps,
Stay active in your group.

A recovering alcoholic without a sponsor is much like a ship without a rudder. --unknown

SPONSOR = Sober Person Offering Newcomer Support Of Recovery. --unknown

Take LOVE as an acronym:
LISTEN intently to the people with whom you are traveling your journey.
Listen deeply; it is a great gift.
OPTIMIZE the time you have with your loved ones.
The truth is, we do not know our last hour;
don't postpone giving your love.
VALUE the people in your life, really notice their goodness.
Then, EXPRESS your gratitude, appreciation and praise.
Mary Manin Morrissey

Until your knees finally hit the floor, you're just playing at life, and on some level you're scared because you know you're just playing. The moment of surrender is not when life is over. It's when it begins. Marianne Williamson

God can't fill someone who is full of self.

Be on guard against the unguarded moment.

Think of drinking and/or using all the way through to the end.

Don't believe everything you think.


as always wise words and i love the last one

"dont believe everything you think"

as always loving thoughts and positive vibes
D :)