Raging Hormones!

I am a new member to this group. The dr. has just recently put me on a mega dose of Provera and I am really struggling with the mood swings, especially the intense anger, no patience and suicidal thoughts. I will enter surgicvally induced menopause in a few weeks after surgery and am dreading having to take hormones for the rest of my life. Can anyone tell me how they got through these intense mood swings without doing or saying something we all would rather not say or do? I jave been spending alot of time alone, because I am just not sure I can control the anger and not say something that will get me fired.

i went and stayed with my grandma one time when i was younger but old enough to help her. she had a historectomy and she was mean to her boyfriend and he was really nice to her and just had a lot of love and patience with her. family and friends i hope will give you the same respect because it is something that you can not control and it is an awful feeling. i have alot of horomone imbalances and there are times i get really pissy and things that irritate me here and there well i just explode. for example we have neighbors who are stupid about property and whos property is what. to say the least this neighbor has not been so nice to me in the past. well he has been putting his fire wood in my yard and is a complete slob so much it is going in my yard. well during my pissy time i was cussing and yelling outside about how tired i was of his sh** bein in my yard and if he came out i was gonna give him the what for if he had something to say. my husband usually avoids me during pissy time because i cant control my moods and any little thing sets me off. luckily this dont happen often. but i know your pain in some form. i wish we could control these moods and feelings. people just need to have patience and understanding. as far as work goes that is tough cuz as much as we wish people in the work force would be understanding most of the time that doesnt happen but i am here if you want to talk and this is a wonderful site with wonderful supportive people.

Can you let the people you work with know what is going on? I am able to just walk out of work when the mood swings hit, but realize that is not possible for all. Can you take a break and go to the washroom, or just walk around the block? If you are talking to someone when the anger hits, stop, take a deep breath, say I'll get back to you in a minute, and walk away. When you are in the midst of a mood swing, try and remember that whatever it is will seem unimportant in a short while. I know that is easier said than done, and I find I don't practice what I preach when it comes to family. Same as foxy, my husband avoids me when I'm being pissy, comes back later and seems to have no resentment, as he knows I can't control it.

Am struggling too, 3 years postop, and am alone 80% of the time (a lot of it by choice), which isolates me, and turns my mood to feelings of abandonment and self-pity. Then when I do get a chance to be around people, the anger hits. This site has been a godsend as somewhere I can vent my feelings whatever they are, and receive such nonjudmental love and support. ... think I'll go check out the anger management posts for tips.

wishing you

Great feedback MDH!!! HannahGirl61, You should check out our previous journals entries and comments if you haven't already. There's a lot of info and we tips we have all shared that i really believe will help understand what you're feeling more. You know I been on here about 2 months, I dont think I really realized how many women were feeling the exact same things that we are feeling now. i mean it's tough, no doubt. And I dont wish what I have been thru on anyone, but just knowing I'm not crazy and I'm not alone with these same feelings has done wonders for me. I told hereinccr that I make no bones about my menopause and the ppl at work no I am smack dab in the middle of it. My office manager knows I take a breather every 30 minutes. He knows if I come in not so happy in the mornings what the reason is. He offers support (he's also a preacher) so he is understanding. If somebody in the general public pisses me off, I just tell em. i'm just menopausal,dont take it personal lol. I have learned to put that funny spin on it and it helps so much. Please continue to update us as soon when you begin to understand your own feelings, you may even be like me.......looking for support in the beginning to looking forward to supporting others who have been down the road you are on. Understanding is the key I think.
Have a great day!

Dear Hannah

Have your research natural progesterone?. Provera is synthetic and is link with many side effects The reason practically all drugs have side effects is that the body recognizes them as a foreign substances. Please research the many articles on the benefits of natural progesterone. Your DR is mostly like not going to tell you about them. Unfortunately, money is running the health industry. The health of the people is secondary.

Every year more people die from pharmaceutical drugs than coke and heroine but the FDA allow these companies to sell their drugs, all because of profit and corruption. Research this topic so you can make an inform decision. Take care