Random update...not that anyone cares

today was awful.

missed -- calories. drank ensure. didnt trust myself. so i sat in adoration for 3+ hours.

i need to get myself together. at least tomorrow is a new day. hopefully ill get myself back on track.

on the bright side i got to talk to my fave from treatment. it made me feel better. and now im cuddeling with my kitten.

MANY people care, you just can't 'feel' it right now! HUG ♥
Please do what you know will provide you with the structure that you need...like it or not, you are miserable this way as well....I promise it WILL get better, but it take Faith beyond what you can see........hang on and keep cuddling with that kitten.....You are loved! ♥

hey girl!

Just keep pressing on! One step at a time... no matter how small! I hope you can feel that you are not alone - I'm so glad you got to talk to a friend from treatment... I know that always helps!

Please know that there are many of us here that care about you as well!! Today is a NEW DAY!