if anyone becomes aware of information about conferences, groups and the like related to healthy eating, diet and nutrition in the boston area, please pass along the good news. also, reviews of meetings, seminars, groups, conferences etc would be most interesting to read about. i hope to have a review or two to share before the end of this new year myself. (wish me luck) thanks!
Hi Sleepless1, what are you looking for specifically in regard to healthy eating, diet and nutrition? Are you looking for informational groups that will help guide you in the right direction for a healthy diet? As well, have you checked with your local community center and/or hospitals, as they tend to have classes on nutrition and healthy eating.
hi puppydoglvr. thanks for your note. i especially appreciate your positive vibes and well wishes. ALL THE VERY BEST TO YOU AS WELL!! i am specifically interested in places to go and things to do - like conferences & seminars... i enjoy talking about and learning about what is all the "buzz" in diet and nutrition. the vegetarian conference was interesting. although some of the presenters were a bit heavy on the propaganda, i did learn a few things and that was good. for example, i did not know that b12 is only naturally found in meat. CHEERS!
Wow, I was not aware that b12 is only naturally found in meat. Thank you so much for the information. If I hear of anything good for you, then I will definitely pass it along to you. So exciting that you're so into health and nutrition, good for you!