Recently, in the past 3 weeks, my depression has surfaced an

Recently, in the past 3 weeks, my depression has surfaced and it's getting to the point of literally feeling dead and empty more and more each day, and I'm scared it will get to the point it was before where I was suicidal all the time, taking pills to feel numb, drinking, cutting, etc. On the 19th, I cut again for the first time in 172 days:( and now I'm having a hard time stopping. My bf who is 3 yrs older tells me he loves me and he's here for me and all, but sometimes I become unsure and insecure, and then I feel a little more depressed. School is stressing me out so much. All the nasty words I think bout myself are constantly in my mind and I listen to them and believe them. I'm going to have to say goodbye to people I love and care about in less than 2 weeks. There's always drama, too, and friendship problems. I'm starting to have off and on flashbacks. I barely sleep. I'm constantly crying. Sometimes I feel a little suicidal, but I don't have the strength to actually do it. There's so many different things going on, and I have no clue on what to do.

Hello, I am here if you want to talk, I know talking through problems always helps me and I would love to help in any way I can if you'd let me.

2 Hearts