Recovering From Being Taken Advantage Of…

I guess you can say I ran from healing from this because I blamed myself. But I have to come to terms with the fact that it’s not my fault that people chose to use me. I ran from it because I’m tired of always healing from something that people really don’t care about. Will I ever be close to someone like that again probably not for a long time. I’m not ok with that at all. But this life ain’t been good to me like I thought it would. However, I’m just trying to keep to myself and have a good life for me. No more wanting people around anymore. No more trying to have the success that “society” says is successful. I rather be alone for the rest of my life than allow anyone else to come in and make me feel like they genuinely like me and then use me and then make me feel and tell me I’m not good enough. NO MORE!!! No more!!!

It sounds like you are on your way to creating healthy boundaries with those you allow in your life. So round of you. It takes hard work and perseverance. Wishing you all the best on your journey to create the life you want.