
I hear a lot of people say they are "in recovery". Is there an official definition of being in recovery?

Lace....The term 'in recovery' is ambiguous, and very individual. To me, it means you have the eating issues under control, you are seeing a therapist, and you have a 'plan' for recovery that you are following. It doesn't mean perfection, or that you don't 'slip', but it means you are trying to make recovery a priority in your life, and that your goal is to fight for full recovery.
Thanks....Jan ♥

Thanks Jan. I understand it much better now. I would say then, I am not quite there yet, but I am getting there. My eating issues are not quite under control but I am slowly trying to get a plan together to fight for the full recovery.... LIFE. I think it is a long journey, but I am on the path to get me to that point. Fingers crossed!!

Ugh, I hope to be there one day. Right now I just feel like crawling into bed and never getting out.

Recovery to me is the point when the pain of holding on to your eating disorder becomes greater than your fear of changing. That's the point where you realize youre ready to take that first step towards recovery and healing.

I guess i'm lying to myself when I tell myself i'm in recovery. Because all I do is fail every night. Every morning I always "pretend" its starting over but every night it always ends the same way.

A big, fat, binge :(

Happened tonight. Will most likely, probably, most definitely happen again.

But I'm going to keep trying and stop telling myself I'm in recovery.

I'm going to start fighting!