
I am sorry to say that I can admit that I am in the middle of a relapse. I don't know where to go who to turn to, and where to start to get out with out putting my life on hold... help...

Hi, I am new around here but I know what you are going through. I was bulimic on and off for about 14 years. I should be dead and almost did die. You don't have to do this to yourself. I know the self hatred associated with this and I just have to tell you, YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE than to commit a slow suicide. You are worth way more. When I thought I was going to die..I surprisingly cried out to God. I don't mean to get all preachy on ya, so sorry if it offends you. But there is a verse in the Bible that says, "He who is freed by the Son is free indeed". John 8:36. Only God can really set us free. You can be free too. Please know that God loves you and He wants so much more for you. You are worth so much, and you don't have to see yourself the way you do. You can see yourself for what you really are: beautiful and important. I don't know you but I know what it's like to be in chains in bulimia. You are worth much more. Hope this has helped in someway and not offended in any way. Msg me if you need to talk. Much love and hugs to you.

What is happening to me challenges my faith with God. I’ve lived with an eating disorder for years along with type 1 diabetes. My life will end sooner than usual if this keeps up. and for some reason, that doesnt stop what i am doing to myself. I dont know what is feeding this fire.

Hey girl, just wanted to say that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You're not the only one! I've written posts on here before/during/after relapsing. But instead of focusing on the negative aspect of your situation, try and focus on the good, amazing, strong part--the fact that you came here, and that is a huuuuuuuuuge step towards releasing yourself from your own (mental) prison. It may not feel all that huge, actually it still hasn't felt 'huge' for me yet either but, hey, I think that's connected to how distorted our perceptions about ourselves can be sometimes!

Anyway, I'm no expert, just a fellow bulimic, and just wanted to say I understand the thoughts and the emotions. Even if you feel it'd be a useless endeavor, or you feel you'd have nothing to say, keep coming here and posting anyway! We're all here for you.

I really DO feel like i am in a prison. And my procrastination is growing with the bulimia/binging. I myself, want to get on the wagon to a healthy relationship with food. But my head, a different entity, is taking the reigns. I wish I had someone, anyone, to talk to. And as much as my boyfriend is really really supportive, you just dont get it if you dont suffer from it. Everyday i keep failing, promising to start over the next day. Ugh. Frustrated, but staying optimistic… Thanks for replying… it really helps to talk.

I have this thing called Type1 for 6 years and it feels like it is killing me slow. I am in pain every day for around 9 months and am on Lyrica for that but have had 2 MRI's and 3 CT scans because doc's thought I might have cancer. My Dad had cancer at age 36 and then had it again at 51 and died 3 years ago. I feel tried, weak, sick, and have two kids that I am always trying to do my best with.
Sometimes I feel like it could be soon.

Still there, honey?

Hi Alouise and D-Kristen,

I followed your posts and can relate so much. Sometimes I feel so DESPERATE with my relationship with food... how did it ever get to this point where I've lost control like this.

I hope we can all get healthy again. we need to stick together and continue fighting. I'm no where near recovery... Each week I'm able to go just a few days with b/p and I thank GOD for those few days.

I have no IDEA why i feel the need to b/p.. When I don't b/p I feel so much happier, healthier, stronger, fitter, no cramping, no swollen-ness, no guilt, etc. soooooooooooooooooooooooooo the NORMAL person would just quit all together right???

anyways, please continue posting.

you can always email me at [email protected] as well.



You are who God says you are. You are beautiful, royalty, valuable, and a daughter of the king. Your behavior does not define you- who you are is who God says you are. Your past failures and the failures of others toward you are wiped away clean- because Jesus suffered on the cross so we do not have to. He took on the sham- guilt and all the feelings of negativity that the enemy tries to bring against you. The voids inside can be fill by Jesus Christ alone- things of this world cannot fill those voids. Food, drugs, people and the like are temporary- and will fade away. God cares and understands every hurt you have inside and loves you- as you run to Him- and ask Him for help- He will be there and heal those areas of your heart that Satan has tried to steal from you. Guilt, shame and negativity does not come from God- it comes from Satan- he is a liar. We cannot earn God's grace- we are who He says we are- not what the world, and what satan says we are. When thoughts or feelings come that says you are worthless, or fearful, or anxious or the like- that is not from God. He says that you are valuable, and he has not given you a spirit of fear- but power love and a sound mind- and to cast your axieties on Him because He cares for you. He loves you- and He died for you and all of us- He defeated satan- and you have the victory- God is greater than circumstances and feelings- He is there for you- with open arms anytime. He loves you, and He will never leave or forsake you. Run to him- He is our father and best friend- and as you accept him- you are seen by who Jesus is- not who we are. Jesus is perfect- we are not- Jesus never changes- our feelings and circumstances do- you are beautiful- because of His beauty and you were created by him- and unique with special gifts-lean on Him- He is greater in you than things in this world. Your past is gone- and God has your back. He loves you. Never give up. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Feed your soul hunger with the word- Song of Solomon " Oh how beautiful you are my darling there is no flaw in you." That is how the creator sees you- and he does not condemn- satan does. You are valuable. That is a promise from God.