
Ok I have genital herpes. My man has actually kinda pissed me off recently. Instead of me breaking out on my private I break out on my left wrist. I know it is weird to me. I wasnt sure if it was or not and I did go to the doctor for it and they said it is herpes. But anyways once in a great while I break out their. Now my man knows I have herpes and we still have sex but when I break out on my hand he like freaks out. Makes a weird face and is so cautious not to touch it. Now mind you I take very careful precaution when I break out. I cover it and dont touch anyone with my left hand. I have a 3 year old for god sakes so yeah when handle her I am careful. I have had herpes before I even had her. But when my man does that it makes me so pissed and mad and I wanna just take it and rub it all over him cause it makes me feel horrible and disgusting when he does that. Herpes is not the end of the world people! Well even though I still hate that I have it because people make it like it is a horrible thing. Herpes is more common then people think.

Anyways I am done ranting. Does anyone have issues like I do with how loved ones react to it? I believe that my man should accept all of me and not care what I have cause It is technocally a part of me and who I am.

He needs more knowledge and read, research about this issue, but the main thing he should have sympathy, respect and compassion. If he accepts you, than he has to accept the rest. People forgot to comprehend the facts of life. Wishing you health and happiness. God bless you.

I understand where you are coming from, that would really hurt my feelings too. BUT, then on the other hand if I wasn't infected I would want to try my best not to touch it either. BUT, BEING THAT I AM INFECTED, I can definatley see where you are coming from. I have only had 1 ob and it was on my vagina, and I am still soooooo scared that I could pass it to my son somehow. I constantly wash my hands, etc, but it is still scary to me. I was just diagnosed a few weeks ago, so im new to this.

I just think if you truely love someone and really want to be with someone you wont be totally freaked out. I mean you should've seen the face he made. You dont do something like that. You just keep it in your mind and just be careful. Not be rude and make a face. I felt like a bug fat disease or something. Yeah when you first find out you are very paranoid. The only way you will get it is if you have skin to skin contact with the sore. If you feel like you are about to break out just cover where ever it is and do not have sex around that time. You can not pass it with using the same towel or anything. It has to be direct contact and pretty much friction. My daughter is 3 and I have had it even before she was born and she doesnt have no sign of it and never will unless she has sex with someone else who has it when she is older of course. I had a c-section with my daughter so I wouldn't pass it on to her cause I broke out the last week of being pregnant. I am actually 9 weeks pregnant right now with my second child. I had unprotected sex with my man and take valtrex everyday sense I am sexually active so I dont pass it on to him. He has never shown any sign of it. If I feel like I am going to break out I tell him and we just don't have sex around that time till it is completely gone. I am very careful with that cause I wouldn't want to pass it to anyone. Their are people who actually have genital herpes and have had their kid naturally without doing a c-section and the baby never got herpes. I was just one of the few that even though I was taking valtrex 2 times a day instead of once cause my hormones of me being pregnant would break out more that I had to break out still the last week of me being pregnant and had to do a c-section instead right away. Which will probably happen again with this one growing inside of me now which is fine with me. You can still have kids and everything.

I can see you're reaction...however, as an infected we tend to know more and understand the infection more. He may have tried, but hasn't fully understood yet.

As well, be happy he's around :)'

Try to let your anger go, and then ask him to be less obvious about his feelings about your outbreak. Let him know it hurts you. If he truly loves you he'll try to not do it as bad (I wouldn't expect a 180 too quickly, but effort should be seen on his part).

But again, I'm jealous of all these posters with a significant other! How to date with herpes??? I need to start *that* post...

Good luck to you!

"Just for today, do not anger."

Ok I know this is way off topic of your post, but Im new to all of this and have to ask this. Are the symptom signs the same as the "preferred" areas or are they different. I have kids too and want to be on the look out for anything that may pop up like that.

yep...same signs. you can actually have symptoms anywhere on your body that you come in contact with the virus. AND if your immune system is very low and an outbreak can develop symptoms anywhere and everywhere! a very common place is where there are lymph under your your goin...and behind your ears. just remember...if your body is shedding the virus...right before and during an can still shed it during sex...even with no signs down there. still use a condom to protect him. and you are quite safe if you keep ur wrist covered...use good hand hygeine ( germex in a pocket size is an awesome thing). i would still be cautious regarding towel/washcloth dont want to rub that area then use that same towel/cloth on the rest of your body or immediately on your child. after its big deal. take ur vitamins...keep ur body healthy!