Researchers Say Nicotine Craving May Be More Mental than Physical

Israeli researchers who studied nicotine craving among flight attendants concluded that the desire for a cigarette may have more to do with habit than addiction to nicotine, UPI reported July 19.

Study author Reuven Dar of Tel Aviv University and colleagues found that smoking flight attendants who were deprived of nicotine during 10-13 hour flights experienced no more craving than those on 3-5 hour flights; rather, craving appeared to be higher at the end of the shorter flights, researchers found.

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Most researchers are a lot like Dr. Spock. They write about stuff & have never experienced it. By the way, Dr. Spock had no kids.I've been off nicotine for 5 days now. Days 3 & 4 were A LOT harder than days 1 & 2. 5 seems to be a little easier, but 1 & 2 were still easier.