no tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. no surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.
~ robert frost
when i give myself distance and reprieve from the twirl, i have no tears. denial chases the tears away. invincibility ironically creates my vulnerability to the SURPRISE of how others' view my reality. oh how that invincibility crumbles into shame, and pain, and tears...
i took a 2-week sabbatical from therapy over the holiday. expecting that my therapist would discuss our holiday, i walked into my most recent session completely unaware of what lie in wait for me..... prepared to talk about presents, food, fam damily, and all the other mess that holidays stir up- i sat down to my therapist asking me where i wanted to begin- since we had a lot to cover. WTF? a lot to cover? really? like what????? [be careful what you ask, my sisterhood,- even in the quiet spaces of your mind- b/c you just might GET the answer.]
my therapist cut to the chase, completely bipassing any and all bullshit regarding the holidays. she outlined the goals we had talked about previously and how JANUARY was the magic month in which my progress [or fucking lack there of] would be judged. completely KNOWING that i have ignored and conveniently forgotten about a few of the *goals*, i have really been betting everything on the efforts that i HAVE made, hoping that those would be enough. although the official jury is still out, she was leaning toward calling my bluff, taking me for everything i have, and awarding me a quilty verdict.
should i have seen this coming? DID i see this coming? i simply can't cop to ignorance here. something in me knows that while some efforts are successful, i've simply allowed them to justify my lack of successes in many other areas. and although i KNOW this, i want SO BADLY for the efforts that i have made to count for something- to count as EVERYTHING actually. regardless of my pseudo-ignorance, denial, wishful thinking--- i was SURPRISED nonetheless. shocked. stunned.
never before have i allowed a conversation about numbers or *ailments*. my therapist lunged directly into asking about *symptoms*.... and numbers. she's not stupid. she knows i HATE to go near ANY of that. but as she caught me off-guard, i answered a few questions honestly... i averted eye-contact and shut down... i became all-too aware of where this session was heading.
i want no tears. i want no surprise. i want easy. i want relief. i want to sleep peacefully and to wake up in a new time, as a new me--- a me that has no tears and no surprises- and that also has no denial.
namaste to my sisterhood of readers.
amy xoxo