Sad, just sad

Sad, just sad...

2 Hearts

Why? What's up?

Yesterday was my birthday and I found out my husband has been cheating on me since 2013.... He blames it on me saying he was forced to cheat because I was not paying attention and giving sex... No apology from him. All he talks about is how I found it is wrong (I checked his phone, which I never did before but something told me to check it when it rang...) and I made him cheat...

1 Heart

I had a c-section in the end of December 2011 and my scar opened early 2012. It was a slow healing and my body was not ready to get physical plus I have been 100 % dedicated to our daughter… That made him to cheat on me and I don’t even get an apology from him… I had no idea till yesterday that he had someone else behind my back. I do not know what to do. I cry all day and night and our daughter is so very worried about me.

From Romantic Relationships to Cheating & Infidelity