She not really my best friend now but in junior high and high school and like a year after high school, she was. And then she was a meth addict and it's like she fell off the face of the earth, cuz she had no contact with me at all and then she got pregnant and she was sober after that her son is almost 4 now and she relapsed about 2 yrs ago and she fell of the face of the earth again. And well when she first had her child she asked me if I wanted to be the Godmother and I thought and thought and thought about it, cuz I just knew there was a chance she could relapse and then I wouldn't get to see him, and well I love kids, and it's not the child's fault and I think if I said no I would regret it, so I said yes, and well I haven't seen my godson in 2 yrs and his birthday is coming up and I always get really sad in january cuz that's his birthday month, and it just hurts so much that I don't get to see him, I miss him so much, and I just needed some support and to get my feelings out.