I lost my dad about 13 years ago. My mom last February. And a good friend a few days ago. When my dad died, my life changed. A deep sadness. My relationship with my mom changed as well. I could tell she was sad all the time. I felt so sorry for her. I felt sorry for myself as well. I tried not to think too much about it as it was just too painful. My parents were my world. The love I had for them, very strong. Probably stronger than it should be for a kid. They were my support. They made me. When I would visit the cemetery, that is when I was able to cry. Outside of that, I would not think too much about my dad as the pain was too intense. When my mom died recently, something happened. I know all too well the sadness that comes when someone close to you dies. When my dad died, it was the toughest experience to get through. Now my mom is gone as well. I pray she is happy. I pray she is in a wonderful place. Until my mom died, I was agnostic. Now, for some reason, I feel differently. Atheist?
I spend HOURS trying to figure out what happens when you die. I have been to a therapist. I am lost. I have an AMAZING family. My kids are amazing. My wife is amazing. I should be HAPPY. I should be so proud and honored to be what most people would call "blessed".
I miss my mom and dad. I miss my friend. I hate that people die. I HATE that one day, I will die. I am scared. I have never been so scared about this before. I am 40 years old. I want to believe that something wonderful happens when you die. I want to believe I will be with my family. When I think that there is a chance that I won't, I am sick to my stomach. Depressed. Sad. I drink to numb the pain I think. I drink at night. I can stop, but I do not want to. I do not pass out or do anything crazy, I just have a few drinks to stop thinking so much.
I wonder everyday where my mom and dad are. When you die, are you dirt? Do you exist? I know what religions say. I looked into Quantum Physics. There has got to be at least ONE person who knows something that I do not! There has got to be!
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE. Right now, I am lost. I am so sad. I am so sad at things that happen in the world. I try to convince myself that when I see the clock and it keeps showing me times like 5:55 or 4:44 or 1:11, that that is my mom sending me a message. This morning, I awoke. Before I looked to see what time it was, I told myself it was 5:40am. I looked at the clock at it was 5:40am. That MUST be more than a coincidence, right? I doubt it.
I am grieving. Time does heal all wounds. It heals wounds by letting you FORGET. The more time that goes by, the more you "forget". I was starting to "forget" the pain of my my being gone, and then my friend died. I am sad for him. It brings up all the other stuff. I feel better today than yesterday.
2 books sit by my bed. Life after Life and The Universe and Multiple Reality. They do not help. I used to think that when you die, something special happens. Now I feel that nothing happens, and THAT scares the crap out of me.