My boyfriend and I been together about 2years, well a few months ago he started bak using heroin-before he relapsed on crack. I found out dat he has never had over one month of clean time since we been together. Well me I'm a recovering addict with 7yrs. First I need to say I no I'm not dope proof, but I love him and can't seem to turn my bak on him-my drug of choice was crack, but pills and alcohol worked just as well so all of them were my choices...I have tried several times to walk away and always come bak-he no I luv him...and when he uses I dnt here from I no what he's doing when he does it, I dnt bother him and he stays away from me..what kind of relationship is this? I believe he wants to stop but this new orleans mantality and old behavior takes over when he gets a little time clean plus he thinks he can do this without meetings and da steps...he's been to treatment countless of times and he continues....I dnt no wat to do...I'm really scared for him
Please, talk to him. He needs to be serious, to stop and get medical help. Also he needs to avoid the places where he has his friends that are still using the substance. Wishing you well. God bless you.