has all sanity left me and my aura? did it leave you
I have often wondered what sanity is.
so have I it seems nobody knows anymore
baby cat jade
sanity is many things and all who function have it in some degree make sure u are not clouding the issue with others tainted words or opinions
if u function more or less on an even keel u are sane there fore have sanity for some they like the roller coaster ride of up and down emotions
i often find that those who have no idea of how people function are the ones casting doubt on sanity rather than those who live life so if u are being told u dont have it then ignore the person concerned unless of course its a mental doc or someone in the medical proffession i was always acused in my youth of being insane by friends and family cos i liked doing daring things like rock climbing and surfing etc
hope u have a great day
love D :)
I have the same problems!!!
baby cat
hon the secret is to believe in yourself u dont need someone to tell u that what u do is insane all u need to do is weigh the risks carefully and i know u are smart enough to do that
there is a time and place to be giddy so make sure u are smart when u need to be in school and appropriate surroundings and a bit silly when u can be but number one factor in anything is make sure u are safe hon at all times
love D :)
you never have to worry about if your sain you are pretty much perfect there is nothing wrong with being a little crazy in my opinion it gives you persanality
luv ya
D you are right and allisa thank you(Big sister) D thank you sooo sosos much you both help soo much
baby cat
hon u help yourself by asking questions and seeking answers
love D :)
i do?
baby cat
yes hon cos expanding your own knowledge is offering u options of life and choices u dont have to be the shy one always quiet and overlooked u can be the shy one who speaks when she has something important to say and that makes a bigger impact on your social groups or u can have fun yet draw the line before it becomes hurtful/harmful
all these things are aquired by asking questions and absorbing the answers
u have a great day
love D :)
THank you so very much =D