Say hello to my little friend visiting my neighbor's shed
Drought and 103 degrees make for thirsty wildlife.
10 Hearts
*gives her water*
2 Hearts
Beautiful animal
1 Heart
2 Hearts
@annetrue You are experiencing drought. Wow, the grass looked very parched. By the way do you lived in the north? We are experiencing dried weather too. The deer is coming closer to us, humans. For they are looking for water.... Poor creatures! Thanks for the post Anne.
1 Heart
@Irma I live in CA and we have the worst drought ever recorded. We are mandatorily conserving water and may run out of water completely if we don’t get a rainy season this year as there is not enough water to last another year. Crops are not being planted(and we feed a lot of the world) and old trees are dying because the ground water is gone. It is a pretty desperate situation, and may be related to global warming,