Scared to death please help me! i am only 15! i need some advice!1

i am new an i just came across this i hope it helps!!!
I lost my virginity to rape at age 15 by a 16 year old and was then diagnosed with hpv. i am 15 now. what are the worries of hpv? do i have to tell my friends if they try to drink water or soda after me? do i have to worry about giving to people? do guys get hpv? how do people get hpv? if i touch someone will they be infected? will i die soon? will i be infertile? how do i go on with my life? im scared! please help me!!!!!!!!

You do not need to tell anyone unless you are considering having sex with them. That is the only way to spread it is by having sex, not by drinking out of the same glass or anything like that. Guys do get HPV but are often carriers of it but they can develop cancer as well. You need to follow your health care provider's plan for you as far as your PAP tests. Make sure you go to every one of them. HPV will not kill you, but some develop cervical cancer. That is why it is important to make sure you go to all your appointments. I hope this helps.

im 16 and i was recently diagnosed with hpv. no you dont have to tell anyone because it is personal. in my advice i would at least tell someone you are close to that you know will not tell anyone because this is a hard situation to over come at this age and you need someone to help you through it. Also your safe by drinking after someone but it can be spread if someone touches you in your affected aera. hpv is a skin diseases not a blood deisease. I wouldnt recommend you sharing bathing suits or underwear with friends cause it is likely for it to spread like that. Trust me you're not alone there are plenty of people out there with hpv that dont even know it. Also guys can have hpv, it's common that they dont know they have it only because symptons don't show up as well as for girls. always know your not alone:) Last thing, google HPV it helps if you know more for your self about it.

You do need to be under a care of a good doctor.OB/GYN
That you could talk to.maybe in your case a female this is
Something that you want to address. I know because I have HPV.
So please find a good doctor to see and talk to.
Take care.

I also lost my virginity to rape at age 22. I was diagnosed with hpv after. I am not gonna say I was not frightened as well. But know that it is not the end of the world. While some types put you at risk for cervical cancer others do not. It is important to get regular checkups and ask to have them test for which type you have. There is a really good book galled Damaged goods? Women living with sexually transmitted diseases. You should read it. It talks about different treatments and ways to prevent spreading it. But know that any sexual contact can spread it. Even with a condom there is still a 5-10% chance of passing it on. But life goes on. Don't give up. Just be careful of who you tell. Teenage girls aren't the best at keeping secrets...