Self Love

I am at the beginning of the journey to Self Love. I get that the relationship with myself is the most important relationship I will ever have. Everywhere I go, wherever I am, I am with me.

I have a critical voice that judges, evaluates and criticizes me. It doesn't go away. I hardly experience really truly experiencing loving myself.

I started asking my friends about what they like/love like about me. There are so many things for me to get from their sharing. I haven't fully embraced it.

I am starting to nurture and give myself some space. I have little self worth although on the outside, I am confident and beautiful. Leave me to myself, alone and in my own place, I become my worst enemy and am playing scenarios of how it could have gone better or I should have said this. I am always second guessing myself.

When people get to know me, it's clear that I don't love myself. They love me but they do see where I basically beat myself up and go into this world of self criticism and misery.

Anything you can offer, I will consider.

I think many of us can be 'our own worst enemy.' It is easy to doubt one's self, question our existence, and easy to think about what if's for the rest of our lives.

But we know that's not productive. It doesn't get us anywhere. It gets us further from where we want to be. As long as we are trying to do something with our lives, we can always be proud of that. Tomorrow is always a new day, and yesterday is something we can never change.

So stop beating yourself up (easier said than done I know), and get out there and live your life! :-)

Take a look at this video:
Abe Lincoln is my favorite.