I am at the beginning of the journey to Self Love. I get that the relationship with myself is the most important relationship I will ever have. Everywhere I go, wherever I am, I am with me.
I have a critical voice that judges, evaluates and criticizes me. It doesn't go away. I hardly experience really truly experiencing loving myself.
I started asking my friends about what they like/love like about me. There are so many things for me to get from their sharing. I haven't fully embraced it.
I am starting to nurture and give myself some space. I have little self worth although on the outside, I am confident and beautiful. Leave me to myself, alone and in my own place, I become my worst enemy and am playing scenarios of how it could have gone better or I should have said this. I am always second guessing myself.
When people get to know me, it's clear that I don't love myself. They love me but they do see where I basically beat myself up and go into this world of self criticism and misery.
Anything you can offer, I will consider.