I was sexually abuse as a child for many years and finally told my parents when i was thirty years old. If your being sexually abused or where please tell someone and talk about it. I have low self esteem, i was not good in school because i was always wondering when he would sneak into my room again, and i could not concentrate in school. Now I'm in my fifties and struggle with finding a job or just reading or doing math. I wish i had someone to talk to back then, i know it was not my fault but it has ruined my life. So PLEASE reach out and get help. I am hear if anyone needs to talk.
friendly one
well hon if u need to speak about how u feel this is the place but u are right its never the victims fault no matter how people try to portray it and often its a family member or close friend who is doing the deed
speak out untill u find someone who will listen to what u are saying and act on it u have the right to keep your body safe and choose who what and when things happen to u so dont be afraid we are more switched on these days about abuse then we were fourty years ago
for those who have suffered mayb counseling will help even if it happened to u years ago u may benefit from speaking out and honoring that inner child
love D :)
Sorry of course to hear about your abuse, but I am so glad to hear you speaking about telling others and how secrets made it worse. Do you think if more people spoke up, it would help other survivors and help more people to believe them?