She left

Today I came home from a friends house, and I walk in my house and it wasn't clean. Then there was a NOTE and it said ''I have a better life than taking care of you.'' and she was gone. I called her and text her. Everyone in my family thinks she just went to the store or something. I'm 14 I can't get a job till I'm 15 and I don't have any money. So I started cleaning the house. and I found crack pipes and needles EVERYWHERE ! I hope she isn't doing any other drugs! :( I just wish my mom would see how she is hurting me. :(

I am so sorry that you are going through this Cali101. Do you have any other family to talk to about this?

No. I have NO one !

You wrote that your family thought that she was coming back from the store. Do you live with anyone else? Do you have an adult at your school that you can talk to privately?

When I say I have NO one .... I have NO one. My family thinks I'm crazy. My school can't do anything till its abuse.

I am so sorry Cali101, I was in the exact same position, horrible family, treated me badly, no one to care about me, everyone thought I was crazy too. Such a tough situation. The only thing I can think of right now is to document everything going on, write down all the details of what people are saying and how they are treating you. What other things are going on in your house? Take Care

Cali are you online?

Cali, I would look in the phone book for a teen help hotline. The person on the hotline should be able to help you find help in your area. The paraphanalia that you are finding is illegal and you can also call the police department and let them know what you found. They will probably come to the house. The police will also be able to get you in contact with community services or they may call child services and place you in foster care. It may be what needs to happen so that your Mom gets the help she needs.

That is why I came here. because I knew I had no to be there for me. My OWN best friend was push away from me.

Hi Cali, did you call the police?

Yes I did. and they are looking for her.

How long has she been gone?

Hi Cali,
I am so sorry you have to be dealing with this. Please let us know how you are doing.

like 8 days. and I will Keep you guys updated with me. (:

thanks Cali101, for keeping us updated. Hope you find some peace today.

Me too. Me too.