Sick of feeling sick

I have fibromyalsia, degenerative spondy with chronic back pain, arthritis - I do take pain meds but .... well.... ya know. They only do so much for ya.

Just sick of it all. How do you snap out of that "sick" mentality when its 24/7 and there is no end in sight?

I am working on getting help, I see a psych Dr, she has me on busperone for my anxiety and that seems to help me calm down a bit. But now am eating more. Which is not good because I really need to lose weight not gain. I have lost all my self discipline because of my "I don't care" attitude for so long.

I am working on my suicidal thoughts. I would never "do anything" but often think how much better off my family would be without me here. So i wish I woudln't wake up one day....soon!!

*sigh* I find I feel better when I reach out to others. Which I do. Especially on here I find there are alot of ways to reach out. I am new here, so am just getting used to everything. I am finding it a comfort to be here. Which is great! I can't wait to tell my Dr I found this site! Thank the Lord for whomever created this!!

Ok, I will try and keep this short. Just looking for some advice on how to lose that "feeling sick" mentality and motivate myself to feeling happy again. Everything is just so blah.

Oh, I do suffer from depression and am on Cymbalta as well, the max dose. Is it working? I don't think so but they aren't ready to change the meds yet until I get my anxiety under control.

Other than that....I want to thank in advance for anything - anyone - can provide me!

Ave Maria!
~ Jeanna

13 Hearts

I think you need to work on some thought change, through a technique called thought correction. When you get up say, "wow I have the strength to get up out of bed, that is awesome." When you start to have a negative thought say to yourself "Stop, I am not my diagnosis" Place some positive affirmations around your house that tell you how strong you are how great you are, how you do help others, not only depend on others. This will help with the bad thoughts, and keep your mood up when you look at them. BTW it takes almost 6 weeks for meds to get into your system and affect things such as depression and anxiety so keep on them however being positive through other ways will help the meds. If you are not exercising regularly it will also help your mood. For you just to get some in water exercises may work best, or just simply walking can do a lot to improve mood by releasing endorphins that elevate mood.


4 Hearts

tiffany. I liked reading what you wrote about possitive thinking and tacking up good healthy thoughts is a really amazing idea that I’ve been impressed by before & everytime I know it’s what I want to do & I decide I’m going to do it but then, fibro-fog, pain, depression, and even just life itself gets in the way, pushing way to the bottom of the priority list. But you are right, seeing positive messages even if you arent consiously noticing can lift us up over time. isn’t it something like for every negative we hear, think, or feel, it takes TEN!! positives to eliminate the one? Geez it’s strange to me that even though long term negativity can be devastating in a variety of ways, making it soo EASY to think that way(i dont care what they say), & easier to frown than to smile, rather than having to find the good. Unfortunately it seems that we live and have been raised in a pretty negative society, but to be fair that just means we should treat what few happy positive things that some of us can find as Golden & hang onto them with everything we got. I am on editing now because I just noticed how old these are and I wonder if this will even be read and why are the posts left up if there’s no current discussion taking place?

you know, we have a lot of hte same diseases, fybromyagia, arthritis,I also have lupus, anxiety,depression. I took the pain pills, even went all the way up to cymbalta and vicodein, I still have to take Prednisone which is awful. But I made some changes to my diet which really helped. I went off the Psych meds completely and am actively seeking God for more peace to help with the troubled soul thing, but I stopped eating sugar completely and I stopped dairy and am feeling a difference in the pain levels. I started a vitamin regiment of Glucosomine, vitamin E, C, B, and 2500 mg of flaxseed oil pills every single day and after two weeks, I can feel a difference. Just finding this site has helped my mental suffering. Also another thing that makes the 'sick" feeling go away is forcing yourself to go take a simple, beginning yoga class. You will hate it at first and look for any excuse not to go, but I PROMISE YOU if you stick with it, in six weeks you will notice/feel a difference. After six weeks, take a class on breathing tequniques for pain control. Do you have Kaiser? They offer those. If you could stick with just the vitamins and those two classes your motivation level will change I promise. I know you have to be careful of excercise because of your arthiritis and fybromyalgia, but try it. 1. stop sugar, caffeeine 2. take vitamins b,c,e, flaxseed oil, glucosomine 3. take a beginning yoga class then 4. take a guided imagery/breathing classa and learn to meditate or just relax I PROMISE YOU it will make a difference. Dont' just sit home and do nothing. I know, I'm the queen of hiding in the house and procrastinating becasue everything is too hard and painful when you hurt and when you're down. Remember, when you are in pain, then you are depressed, which causes more pain. It's a vicious cycle. I also put in music by ENYA and sit and shut my eyes and just listen, it soothes your wounded soul. This site and just being supported really helps, i know it really helped me. I am new to this, just joined less than a week ago and my support friends are like angels to me. I can't believe how much comfort I have gotten since I've been here. I know it will help you too. well, I have to go but will check on you later tonight. hang in there sweety it will get better!

1 Heart

Thank you Julz for that advice. even though I hear the right answers from people who know, its so easy to forget. it is so true about the exercise. once I worked through the pain (not overwork) but once I had stuck with a routine that got my blood pumping, it wasn’t long before the benefits were noticible. Soon I was still dreading the work-out 7 at the same time looking forward to that rush of endorphins, then that glorious feeling of accomplishment as results were showing in the mirror & in the fit of my clothes. Yet the best part was once I had made the routine a part of my lifestyle, every aspect of my health showed improvements. Breathing easier, less depressed, my memory & mind function improved, I got around faster, easier, with less pain, & before I knew it, I was excited about life again. I am not a convert alot has happened since then some things that couldnt be helped & I got loss in the struggles of life, which, if I’m being honest(&i wouldnt be helping at all if I werent),has gotten right back to what prompted this discussion to begin with. It’s not necessarily a failure just life’s ups & downs. So now that you’ve helped me dig these memories back up from the abyss where they have been a while, I too am feeling excited about getting back on that horse. If money is ever a problem when it comes to joining those classes, all is not lost, because there are plenty of dvd’s and I bet on you tube as well on yoga, pilates, whatever one wants. its more helpful also if you have a buddy system because some of us are more likely to support someone we love by being accountable than to do it for ourselves. There isn’t anything as satisfying about being productive to yourself & improving someone elses life in the process.


I also take cymbalta. I know you read my post about walking. Honestly I really let myself go for over a year. I weight the most I ever did. It wasn't good for my Arthritis or my Depression.

I think the guilt for my dogs got to me. My dogs groomer mention how fat Nellie was. I thought I love them so much, I am a horrible owner. So I thought okay lets give it a try. The first day was horrible one mile hurt so bad, I came home and couldn't do anything but it was a start. At first I looked for any reason not to go, now I find every reason to go.

Start by doing what you can do, even if it is only walking around the house. And when you get to where that doesn't seem like much walk around the outside of the house twice. That is how I am up to 4 miles small steps.

It has been good for my mind and my body. You will sleep better and building muscles will be good for your joints.

Jeanne, thank you so much for your posting and wisdom. These words speak to my heart I will be adapting some of the tomorrow. Now being in Seattle it is challenging to say the least not to have a cup of jobe but it worth it.


I have a statement written on a piece of paper on the cieling above my head. It read: "Dear Pain, I may not keep you from taking over my body but please never forget that I am one tough ***** and MY MIND IS OFF LIMITS!! Love, Me". It helps me continue the fight when I'm in bed because of the agony and also when I'm there for the depression. It reminds me that I am a fighter and that the pain WILL NOT win! Sending some good thoughts.

2 Hearts

I understand completely how you feel....I have fibromyalgia and all the side effects that go with it...restless leg, anxiety, depression....I take vicodin, cymbalta, xanax, and it only helps for so long then starts to wear you take more or try to wait at least until it's time for the next pill.
I just never know how I'm going to feel when I wake up in the morning, if I've been asleep, because I don't sleep good. Today my feet hurt, really bad, I can't stand shoes on and without shoes they still hurt....Yesterday it was my shoulders and neck, hurt so bad I just had to lay down for a while, my hustand just doen't understand how I feel, he thinks I should be up doing house wookl He thiks because he cam'y see time for this old lady to say good ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''good night//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

take care everyone.....

i totally agree, i am so tired of not feeling well. it never stops and that is all i want, for it to stop, you are not the only one that feels this way

I am in the same boat. I wish I could just stop hurting. Get off these pills and live a regular life nothing fancy

I completely agree with DeeAnn and Julz.
It is far easier to label ourselves and have a reason for staying sick be we are not our labels. We don't need to own any of them. I had fibromyalsia, back ache, depression, anxiety, self-loathing to name a few was on 13 prescriptions a day by the time I was 30yrs old. Now 48yrs old and was able to get off 12 of the 13 for over 18yrs. How? A decision to change my life and focus on other things like a future. Yoga and swimming are awesome for fibromyalsia, so is breathing. Depression, anxiety, etc can be addressed with a healthier lifestyle food, activities and thoughts. Our mental status is probably 90% of our solution. I am not making to sound so easy, it took years to see what I was doing and it is so much easier to see the forest for the trees when you are removed from the pattern and behavior. I lived in it for 13 insidious years of trying what I thought was everything. People gave me band aids for huge wounds. I needed someone to help me see what "I" was doing to "Me" and be responsible for once. No one does anything to us. We can choose to feel well or feel bad. It is all our choice. I lived in pity pot for so long and want to help others not to have to stay there if you really don't want to. There are options if you are serious and some of the suggestions above are great starts.
I had to start by being grateful for what I had, not what I didnt. Some days it was as simple as "everyday above ground is a good day". It got better to "I am grateful for two hands, two feet, two eyes" and built up to "thank god gave me all these challenges so I can make a difference in others lives that are still suffering". It has been an interesting journey but one I would not change today but spent 20 plus years wanting nothing more at the time but to erase those years from my life. Today they are all here to serve and help others not suffer as I did and love themselves as god love you. (I am not a religious one, but I do believe in a higher power and that got me through many a day).

1 Heart

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ok lifesaver i did it for you hope it helps, jeanna i wish you all my best you have a lot of good support here and i would like to hear from you again befor i add my own two cents, how are you doing today. know you all are loved and prayed for, a humble prayer warrior

Thank you!

dear jeanna, how are you doing now? love and prayers, from a humble prayer warrior

WOW - thanks for the posts everyone! You know I am still learning this site, don't venture out on it too much. Mostly private message. So I didn't realize so many of you posted! Thank you!!! :-)
Your ideas are wonderful and I am sorry for all the suffering you all are going through as well.

I cannot get out and take a class on yoga or breathing or buy special foods or vitamins. We are plum broke, I don't drive because of my dizziness.
I have no one to drive me anywhere but my husband and he works all the time!

Stanisz - i have good days and bad days. I try to stay on top of things but still get sucked into that dark gloomy area quite a bit. I am trying :)
thank you for asking. I pray you stay pain free and healty as well - Ave Maria!

Its a tough world when everything falls apart. So we are hanging in there and will be able to get a handle on things soon.

I hope!! Pray for us!!! Me and my family. Thank you

Faith, hope and love,

dear Jeanna, yes i pray that you will get a handle on things soon too and having a positive attitude will move things forward. God loves a willing spirit of course you know. i am learing to rest and pace myself in between my limited activites and the doctor says this will help, lol, take it easy. oh well if i must i must and then i can rest and pray right? thats what i do. thanking God i have a few friends on line that i can visit and bless me with company and food for thought and prayer. it lessons the pain. tell me about your little ones. mine are all grown. i have a 40 year old daughter, a 33 year old son and twin boys turning 30 next month. the twins suffer from mental illness and the hubby has a head injury, we could start our own hospital lol! but tell me about your family. it is hard to have children and be sick, i know i have been sick even when mine were little. all my blessings for us all and especially you and yours this am, lovingly, a prayer warrior

Hi Jeanna and everyone,
I just joined the I am hoping I am manuvering my way around ok. I too have Fibromyalgia....a blown shoulder...can't think of the Dr.'s terms for it..I have fought depression and anxiety all my life but when I got this lame shoulder and Fibro I felt like I was SLAMMED against a wall. I got so depressed that one day as I lay in bed I wa asking myself if this is all there is to life then........................... and I stopped those thoughts. And I knew I had to do long story short I got a puppy. I have always been a dog lover and I KNEW if I had to crawl to take care of an animal esp. a dog I would do it! I thought that if I had to lay on pillows on the floor to be with her, I would. That lasted one thing I knew I was taking short walks (Dr. reccommended 15-20 minutes a day)...and my love for this little fur ball changed my life! Next thing I knew I had my mind on buying her toys, dresses, etc...dressing her up on weekends to go for walks etc.....that dog just had her third b-day so she has kept me "up and moving" for three years...she saved me from alot of depression..who can be depressed when they have a little fur ball doing it's antics? I assure you I found myself laughing and grabbing the while dogs may not be your passion...find something you are passionate about and then go and do it...slow but'll get better....wishing you the best.

2 Hearts

I have sciatic pain from lumbar scoliosis and a (now removed)cyst that was pressing on my sciatic nerve. I had surgery 3 weeks ago, and it helped, but I need help with exercises that help this kind of (often excruciating) pain. I read the posts today, and no one mentioned sciatic. is this the right support group? So many people have so much suffering, and my heart goes out to everyone who is in pain.