Since I am a member of the COPD group, I want to pass along this info that I learned....if you log on to Dr. Noah Greenspan, and listen to the webinars, you may learn alot of info that will help with the breathing problems. I have learned more from him than any pulmonary doctor I have ever been to. I am following his advice, and I am amazed at how I have the incentive to fight again.
2 Hearts
I'v gotten more information from my sister in CA. (she's a therapist for 30yrs) then I've gotten from my pulmonary Dr., though I just begun, hope it becomes more positive/motivating as I manage through this. Hope your feeling better.
1 Heart
Since the change in the weather my ashtma and allergies are taking me for a hell ride. I am constantly coughing and I have been to doctor and have meds. I can't seem to shake the cough,.
@sharri51 I know what it’s like. This might sound crazy to you, but something that works for me is a remedy without taking more meds…I rub vapo-rub on