Skin Cancer - Never Too Young

This is a very important article about a man who was diagnosed with skin cancer when he was 26 years old, and shows that you're never too young for skin cancer;

"A skin cancer survivor who learned the hard way no age is too young to get melanoma is urging people with symptoms to get checked before its too late.

Jesse Lust was diagnosed when he was 26 and says he knows of many other people of a similar age getting melanoma.

"I think I got sunburnt quite a lot to be honest with you, but I never really thought of the consequences," he told Breakfast.

"When I went in to the doctor and they said 'you have melanoma', I was a little bit, well more than shocked. And now I am starting to hear about other stories ... it's just quite an eye opener," Lust said...."
        Source:, 11/15/10

Because I burn so easily I was always worried about skin cancer. I later found out that it is not the rays that burn you that are the most dangerous. If they could make sunscreen that worked more on those and less on the ones that warn you that you have been in the sun too long I would be less stressed about it.

I totally agree, it would be nice if they did focus on that more. I am really very careful and I don't ever sunbathe anymore. As well, I wear sunscreen daily and try to walk in the shade when possible.

I really really gotta get into the habit of applying sunscreen daily, thanks for the reminder, PD.

Of course. I am right there with you, I never leave home without it :-)

I always wear a hat

Oh good for you, hats are a great way to shield the face from the sun. So smart.