So how do people in the group feel about Caitlyn Jenner, per

So how do people in the group feel about Caitlyn Jenner, personally I think it is awesome that she is now her authentic self and Lord have mercy, but living with the Kardashian girls (who totally get under my skin) really helped her come out gorgeously!

I have rather mixed feelings about her. On the one hand I think good for her, it is great that she is now being herself. The increased attention on trans rights and visibiity is good too. On the other hand I feel like the media is likely to snap her up as a trans 'spokesperson' of sorts, becase she's famous rather than because she's the best for it. Her experience is vastly different to that of most trans people in a lot of ways, and there are many trans people and issues that have been passed over while her transition (even before the announcement) got an awful lot of media coverage, which I find disappointing. I also feel that her decision to wait until she'd feminized her appearence before wanting people to use a female name and pronouns - which is her choice of course - could in the eyes of a lot of people reinforce the idea that gender in inextricably linked to appearence and physical charactaristics, which would be a disadvantage to trans people who can't, or choose not to medically transition to that extent.

Well most of us don't have a team to make us camera ready, so I sort of equate her with every other star out there, basically smoke and mirrors, but on the other hand since the Jenners and Kardashians are such media darlings, she brings attention to the trans community and perhaps the saying is true, there is no such thing as bad publicity?