So i learned a valuable lesson a girl i liked alot basically

so i learned a valuable lesson a girl i liked alot basically told me after we had been dating that she still loves her x i kissed her held her handtalked to her on skype every day shes bi she was in a gay relationship i helped her through it cause her gf was a *** anyway she tells me today this kid she dated for 2 years she thought she was over but wasnt and isnt so she told me that she wants to be the happiest person she can be by herself atm which i suppose i can understand the thing is guys thats the key you have to want to do this for yourself we all can beat this you just cant stop fighting the thoughts i loved that girl when i kissed her i wanted to have sex with her right there guess what that means im not gay at the most extreme bi but it doesnt matter anyway you fall in love with a person if u keep thinking in ur head oh noo im gay well guess what doesnt matter you will do what u make ur decisions not the voice in ur head if u want to be gay late rin life u will thats up to you no one or society can tell u what u are u are u and u are yourself u make your own identity not anyone this has been extremely therapeutic for me writing this but word to the wise if u really like a girl or boy or whatever make sure u know the consequences of your actions if the **** hits the fan i loved that girl and i believe she loved me at a point but we are still gonna be friends nothing will change that but the most valuable thing any of u can take from this is know u are ur own person and u depict yourself

its also funny how me worrying about this relationship being over is taking my mind off of hocd

From Anxiety & Panic Disorders to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)