So I love my boyfriend. He is one of they best people i hav

So I love my boyfriend. He is one of they best people i have met however currently he is in a hospital dealing with depression and BPD related problems which i totally support. However he talks to me about none of whats actually wrong i know there is more but he wont tell me and on top of that i have my own issues and it kills me to not know what to do. :( does anyone have ideas for what i could do

that's rough and often pushing too hard for answers doesn't help :c hopefully he'll come to you when he's ready. perhaps what you can do right now is simply show him that you'll be around and be close enough for him to be able to reach you when he is ready. he needs to know he's not alone and he doesn't have to go through these things by himself.

Support, comfort, and give it time for things to level out again.