So, I overindulged a bit tonight, but I was enjoying myself

So, I overindulged a bit tonight, but I was enjoying myself. I have such a negative connotation wtih overeating that it makes me feel so guilty. Everyone eats a lot of food every once in a while, so why should I have to beat myself up about it. After I overeat, I always feel like I'm in sort of a binge frenzy because that's what I'm used to. I didn't binge, but my eating disorder tells me "bad" because I ate so much. I'm on my period and I'm allowed to eat, goddammit!! Does anyone one else beat themselves up over things that normal people wouldn't even think of twice?

I do all the time! it's 'normal' for people with eating disorders.
but yes I definatly know what your going through!

@certifiedangus Sorry for tagging this to you but getting Ajax Error’s :- THIS IS FOR :- Liv2Hi Liv2, I have an ED and if, I eat one tiny thing, ‘other’, than the 1 and only ‘Tiny Thing’, that I ‘Eat’ in any given 24 hr period then, I feel as, ‘Guilty’ as ‘Hell’… Usually, I will do one of two things…Firstly, I might make myself sick… Or Secondly, I will Self-Harm by, ‘Cutting Myself’ which, for me, is a ‘Coping’ strategy … The ‘Pain’ / ‘Blood’ / ‘Feeling’, brings me back, from those ‘Dark-Thoughts’ and, ‘Re-Focuses My Mind’…Only then, do I feel better… Try not to be so ‘Hard’ on yourself… ED’s are ‘Hurrendously’ complex and totally ‘Overwhelming’… Nobody knows, what or how another ones ‘Mind’ works and, everyone is different but, ED’s are well documented by professionals and, sufferers alike… The common trait with all ED’s is the ‘Guilt’ / ‘Overpowering Feelings’ / ‘Complexity’ / ‘Feelings’ we all endure and that my friends, is the ‘common thread’ that ‘Entwines Us All Together’, no matter, what kind, of ED we suffer from… I’m here for you if you’d like to talk or PM me anytime… I will help / support you, any way I can… Your In My Thoughts, Sent With Love, Triah x

Just got back from a two day trip to the heart of Pennsylvania's Amish country. Stayed in a lovely B &B, ate a delicious anniversary dinner at a French restaurant and stuffed myself with Dutch chocolates. My program of journaling food/beverages and pre-planning times for meals were non existent. We had a wonderful time but we're back home so the battle is rejoined. No guilt at all.

1 Heart

@certifiedangus @certifiedangus Hi, so glad you had a wonderful time… I. It sounds ‘Georgous’… BUT and, more ‘IMPORTANTLY’… ‘NO GUILT AT ALL’ - That is ‘FANTASTIC’…!!! I’m here for you too if you ever need to talk and you can PM me anytime… If I can help I will… BUT, ‘WELL DONE’ and Sent With Much Love, Trish x

thanks @ osultrus for relating with me... Not to be offensive, but what's with all the 'apostrophes'

@Liv2 @Liv2 Hi, Thanks for the Thanks. (if that makes sense) I’m pleased you could relate with what I said. I just speak from the heart and, my own experience. I hope you are feeling, a little better than you were, when you wrote your posting. I know it’s a ‘real struggle’ everyday and, it becomes exhausting/overwhelming and, ‘All Encompassing’ most of the time. I don’t know what, ‘Normal’ is because, since I was 7 yrs old when my ‘Happy-Go-Lucky’ life changed forever, I’ve just been ‘ME’. A pretty ‘Complex’ Person, with quite a few issues, to say the least. I’d like to talk to you more and, get to know you better. From your posting it seems as though we have things in commonI. I prefer to talk through PM. I find it easier to ‘open-up’ and, talk more easily on a ‘one-to-one’ basis. Trust is extremely important to me because of my past. You can definately ‘Trust Me’ and that’s a word, I never use lightly. I will ‘Support You’ and then, leave it ‘up-to-you’ if you would like to get to know me better. As for your question (and ‘no’, I’m not offended) to be honest, I’ve never really thought about it. It’s just the way I write. I suffer from OCD so, maybe it has something to do with that… Thinking of You and Sent with Love, Trish x