So... I used to kinda like a guy because i thought he was ph

So... I used to kinda like a guy because i thought he was physically cute but now he likes me and is always trying to talk to me and stuff and it makes me feel weird, like i actually get a bad queasy feeling in my stomach every time he sends a text or whatever. So my question is, what causes this? Why would you feel physically bad just because someone is hitting on you? it has not happened other times, like i've just been like "i'm flattered but i'm not interested" and that's it but not this time. I´m DEFINITELY not confusing it with having butterflies in the stomach because butterflies feel nice, i've felt them before and they're amazing, this is weird and uncomfortable and i have no idea why it's happening :s :(

2 Hearts

is it the things he says to you that make you feel uncomfortable? Because sometimes guys can be physically cute, but their personality is just not!

1 Heart

@anniecastiel Hi, I hope you are okay… I’l be writing to you later tonight… Just nipping on SG’s for 10 mins or so… I Hope you don’t mind me doing this…I’m posting a message onto your site beacuase, I can’t get it Sent any other way - Ajax Error…This message is for:- Hi mispixie, just because somebody is physically attractive, does not mean that his ‘Inner Soul’ Is good… Id say, if you are feeling these ‘Uncomfortable’, ‘Bad’, ‘Weird’, then stay well away from him… I’m always a person who goes with my ‘Gut Feelings’ and, this I feel is what you are doing… If you say your ‘Not Interested’ in someone then, they should ‘Get The Message’, ‘Loud-And-Clear’ and back off… If this Guy isn’t then give him the ‘Widest-Berth’ possible… It could turn into a ‘Stalking’ situation quite easily so, please, just be careful…Make sure you ‘Make Your Feeling Known’ though… Then, Avoid, Avoid and Avoid because, something isn’t ‘Right’… I hope this message hasn’t scared you, I’m just offering some advice and, ‘Ultimately’, It is ‘Up-To-You’ what you, do with it…Just take care… I’m here if you want to talk or PM me anytime… Sent with love, Trish x