So my aunt got me a dog instead of a cat saying that I'll ha

So my aunt got me a dog instead of a cat saying that I'll have a hobby now hope I don't destroy this dogs life he is cute though

6 Hearts

Awww too cute! Its amazing how supportive having a pet can be, I know I would be lost without my fury family, pure unconditional love and they never judge you :)

1 Heart

oh he is very cute! maybe get a book or two on how to raise a dog from your local library?

1 Heart

I'd recommend to start watching the dog whisperer , he has one vid called how to raise the perfect dog. He's the man

3 Hearts

He's adorable! I think you're both going to have a great time together! What are you going to name him?

@Spacergirl I guess Casper

Ah! He's adorable! It makes me smile just to see him

1 Heart

AWE! way better than cats (with all do respect) Dogs require more attention and having something to take care of is great for the soul.
Dogs dont care how messed up we are- they just love us unconditionally- what humans are not capable of.

So jealous!!!! :)

1 Heart

@ThePurpleToffee I myself am a dog person

Awww........he's too cute for words. What did you name him?

@compflyer so far nothing but I guess Casper

Awwww... He is so precious :) you will not ruin his life . Your going to be a great dad ! God bless

@Sunshineagain hopefully

What breed? /breeds?

@naturalwonder Russian samoyed

He is VERY cute ... for now! Make sure you train him well. Grown-up dogs who are badly behaved are a real pain for everyone, so it is best to start obedience training young. Taking good care of a pet is a big commitment. They need a lot of love, and some of it has to be "tough love". I hope you have a wonderful time together!