So now more truth comes out. The girl I found blocked on his facebook was her. He's been lying to me the whole time, concocting this story of a fake woman, making her out to be hot and ****. This girl, I've seen her and she is complete trash, ugly and not attractive at all. I don't understand why he has done all of this. She still works up there, at the same store. He's been in contact with her the whole time these last few months when he said he had no contact. That he never talked to her or saw her. He is a liar. He says he didn't come clean because he was scared I would leave. I think it's bull**** and he was only protecting himself or her. Or his job. I have no idea. But I hate it all. All the lies. How the hell can I ever trust a thig he says now? And i thought it was going well, I thought we were moving forward a tiny bit.... But it was all bull**** because the wool was still pulled over my eyes.
2 Hearts
Sounds like he needs a dose of what happens when you aren't honest .. don't settle for bullshit!
1 Heart
I lived for two years with the lies and bullshit. It just breaks your heart everyday. So sorry.
1 Heart