So so anxious today. Am I bipolar or what? I can be totally

So so anxious today. Am I bipolar or what? I can be totally fine and in control one day and gasping for breaths the totally gets to me. I dont know how some people deal with the most stressful situations with grace and not even sweat it.

So in laws coming to visot this weekend.
Daughter's birthday in 2 weeks and I haven't planned it yet.
Think I might be pregnant. (Not late yet but sore breasts and insatiable hunger..not ready for #2.
Teeth grinding and clenching. Think I chipped another tooth last night. (Had a crown placed 2 weeks ago).
Trying to take my own advice and breathe etc....just venting I guess..

Commenting on my own post because it isnt showing up in the newsfeed. I really dont like this site :/

:( I hate not getting responses immediately. Im way too impatient. This is annoying. Sigh....

@TennisPlayer thanks lol. Im impossible i know. Just not getting the discussion I expected from this site. Either people aren’t seeing my posts or they just don’t care…eother way this is adding to my anxiety in general…I just showered and sprayed myself with so much aromatherapy I smell like a Jamaican soap peddler lol.