so tired, yet can't sleep..I miss him so much.I never knew just how much I depended on Jeff just to feel like a normal person. Before I was never the type to second guess myself on anything, now I question everything.
Iknow what you mean I have trouble sleeping also.Lost my honey April ii,2015
r your loss-how long were you married?r @ceecee47
I can relate. It is hard to loose a loved one. I still miss my husbands (2), but it does hurt less as time goes on. It helped me to talk to them, of course in private... Look to God for Strength to go on. Do things you enjoy... Look to the support of your friends and family. It is okay to cry, it helps, but then you have to go on and live your life. Hope this helps.
Butterflies I wish I could say it hurts less, for me it hurts worse, I hate to be a downer but that is the truth for me, I hope ceecee has less of a problem over time as you did. I pray for strength and peace, Ceecee you may want to try Grieg Share it is a group located all through the USA cost about 15 dollars for about 12 weeks. Bing123
we were together 20 years...married for ten. We have 3 children together.
hyposgirl May I ask what happened to your husband ? It is so hard to carry on after many years together, you basically lose 1/2 of yourself, memories shared with the person you love. It is like someone just grabbed them in a split second and that changes your life forever. May I ask if you have had any strange things happen in your home after he passed away ? Do you believe you will be with him again ? BIng123
he had a heart was so sudden, we never even knew he had such severe heart disease. he was the type to never go to the doctor-stubborn.I do believe that someday we will be together again. believing that seems to help a little. I haven't exactly had anything strange happen, except that my home phone called itself..(I've been told that there are many logical explanations for that) all I know is that I returned home the other day and I checked my caller i.d and it said that I had a missed call, it said my husbands name and our home phone number-it had never happened before, but who knows, maybe it is logical.
I lost my husband in January to a heart attack in his sleep, we didn't know he had a problem, we have three little ones 4/6/7. I'm sorry to say it doesn't get any easier I am sitting at soccer practice in my car right now with our wedding song on repeat crying my eyes out
Hitch I am so sorry ! Three little ones it hardly seems fair. I like you do not get much relief from the acute grief, It can help to be busy but at the same time you are faced with all the things 2 people shared, may I ask what state you live in ? do you have support of family and friends, Have you felt his presence in your home or with you ? Alot of people do. God Bless Bing123
@Bing123 I’m in NY, I do live in a small town where he grew up and there is support, but the kids are afraid to leave me except school and a few friends houses so there isn’t anyone all three will stay with for a break. I haven’t felt him here, but feel like I wouldn’t, he wouldn’t come to me, I get very uneasy with things like that and feel like he would not want to. I do wish I had him in my dreams more, good days seem to replay in my dreams and include him where and what he would have normally been. We were together 13 yrs married 10 this year and worked together everyday, we were best friends.
I do like to think it was some sort of sign , and I do like to think that somehow Jeff is watching over me and our three is some comfort.
That is beautiful...I so wish I could feel Jeff...I cling to the hope that maybe one day I will. Hugs to everyone.
Hitch If you do not want it you most likely will not get a visit, if and when you are ready just say you are and then just look for any sutle sign and you may find it. Bing123
From Mental & Physical Abuse to Grief & Loss