Society's Confusion

Or perhaps a better title could be 'our' confusion, meaning those who have suffered, or are battling with an eating disorder, and searching for truths within their own eating disordered mindset.
The irrational 'balancing game', as I refer to it often, seems very logical to the person who thinks they have control over their behaviors vs. eating. Looking deeper, I seriously doubt that many could truly say that it's 'working' FOR them.
I see a major part of the problem in the multitude of recommendations (the dieting industry) out there, that only confuse the mind of a person with an eating disorder even further.
The most effective approach is to seek the guidance of a professional, who truly understands and is experienced in treating eating disorders.
The information available to the average 'consumer' is misleading and downright dangerous.
*Dieting is dangerous and does NOT work.
*Dieting is the number one cause of obesity, AND eating disorders.
*If you are struggling with the eating disorder 'rules' and feel confused, do NOT look for answers on the Internet, or on the shelf at the pharmacy containing diet products.
Food is our energy to live, to laugh, to bear children, and to be free....from the prison of an eating disorder.
You will always find another 'scheme' to which you could follow, but the best way to proceed in a healthy direction is to eat well, and to seek the guidance of a good therapist.
Chaotic eating, restricting, and any compensating behaviors (purging, laxative abuse, exercising, etc. ) will only leave you with a greater chance of having to accept (or fight) a higher body setpoint weight. It happens...

Please read my entire post at:

Great points Jan!
Oh I wish this information was given to me as a teenager. When I have my own children I am going to be so careful about what I say and do about food. Thats a huge reason why I am fighting my ED now.
I think that I, like many other people on here, have tried every diet and diet pill we could afford and/or get our hands on. I would spend every free minute of my life looking for the next diet I was going to try or just thinking obsessively about the food I wasn't eating. It is so frustrating to me that everywhere I turn I see marketing for diets and diet products. Our society seems to be turning the corner on this issue based on media reports but its going to be a while before the majority of Americans are eating intuitively. This makes us have to struggle every day to keep the ED voice away.