Some people just don't realize how much words HURT

Some people just don't realize how much words HURT.

3 Hearts

Ik and some people think that saying a rhyme will make u better

@lauren6 Never heard that, but can imagine that it doesn’t work.

Sticks and stones

@lauren6 Ohh, okay. Didn’t know what that meant, sorry. But, yeah, I grew up with physical abuse, and the verbal abuse had soon followed. And it hurt. Bad.

Oh i was surrounded with verbal abuse mainly from the neighborhood not family. But my family never understood my pain

@lauren6 you never tried talking to them?

I told them about what people would say to me all they say is sticks n stones

@lauren6 Okay, if they say that EVERY time you try to come to them about all of it, then that’s just not cool.

Yeah but it was when i was younger. So i just stopped

@lauren6 Mm, I see… At one point in my life, the verbal abuse just was too much, I had begun to cut, just not deep enough to go through my skin. I was never suicidal, and aren’t. At all. My family never knew about my cutting. To this day.

I WAS a cutter too i used to cut just for the blood. Not deep enough where it was gushing out but just until i saw it. I wasn't a suicidal person either. But sometimes i feel like i am now.